UNC Board of Governor meeting material portrayed UNC Greensboro Request for Millennial Campus Designation  May 18, 2017 for two parcels of land on the university master plan as expansion  to  non-existing UNC Greensboro Northside (School of the Deaf property) Millennial Campus, on NC A&T Harold Martin watch.  Passed by the UNC Board of Governors Committee on Budget and Finance, designation presented to the full Board of Governors on the consent agenda where it was also passed. UNC Greensboro Chancellor Franklin Gilliam, Jr. defined de facto NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus as our own on the North Side and with A&T on the Southside.  Updated 02.16.23
Background: G.S. 116-198 Article 21B: The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campuses Financing Act define the process for seeking the Millennial Campus designation. The legislation states that the Board of Governors may act on recommendations by the President of The University of North Carolina after consultation with the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of a constituent institution to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a Millennial Campus of the institution.
That designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a Millennial Campus has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus. Furthermore, the Board of Governors has found that creating the constituent institution’s Millennial Campus will enhance the university’s research, teaching, and service missions, as well as enhance the economic development of the region served by the institution.
Assessment  indicated the Millennial Campus concept has been widely and successfully used by NCSU, UNC-CH, NCA&T/UNCG, ASU, ECU, UNCC, UNCW, and WCU.  The expansion of the Millennial Campus would not alter the level of oversight required by the Board of Governors for UNCG property transactions. A Millennial Campus is Real Property designated by UNC Board of Governors pursuant NCGS116-198.34 (8b) ....of a constituent institution. Assessment  did not indicate any previous  Board of  Governor designated UNC Greensboro Millennial Campus.  Clearly alleged NCA&T/UNCG millennial campus is the "millennial Campus referred to expanding.
No statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed  by Board of Governors  to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial consisting of Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland. 

North Carolina A&T Millennial Campus

HBCU  institution North Carolina A&T, one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs throughthe doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies.  “ The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services”.  NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres  of land along East Lee Street targeted to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology and agricultural research and its students, which didn't include across-town historical white UNC Greensboro and its members of the Greensboro business community.
NCGS: 116-198.34 (8b): upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a Joint Millennial. 
Notwithstanding NCA&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
UNC Board of Governors Committee for Budget and Finance July 2003  recommend Law 2003-2984,Section 6.20 Transfer of Land for the Millennium Campuses of UNC Greensboro and NC A&T State University.
Published as "the most plugged-in attorney in North Carolina",  northcarolina.edu minutes alleged  City of Greensboro Lobbyist, Greensboro Attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr.,  Committee Budget and Finance Chair speaking before Board of Governors stated that the Boards of Trustees at North Carolina A&T State
Video Link Lease
University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested that the land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75 - acre  parcel of land currently

comprising a portion of the  North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a Joint Millennial Campus, alleged approved Oct. 10, 2003, at Appalachian State.

"This tract of land is part of the Seventy Five acres we carved out for Gateway University Research Park." said Chancellor Martin before the Special Committee of the Board of Trustees to evaluate the Florida Street Extension April 5, 2013. NC We gave up 75 acres of the Farm.   Link
Public Record Reply from UNC-Greensboro for statutory required request to establish a Joint Millennial Campus produced alleged Chancellors signed
Document dated Aug. 22nd, 2003.  Alleged Chancellors signed document stated: "we are pleased to inform you that this proposal has been approved by both of our Boards of Trustees and is supported by local community leaders and organizations including Action Greensboro. Copies of the Resolutions passed by the N.C. A&T State University Board of Trustees on August 22, 2003 and by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Board of Trustees on August 22, 2003 are enclosed. Emphasis added
Recommended by Chancellors Renick and Sullivan, NC A&T and UNC-G Board of Trustees duplicate Resolutions: In Support of The Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus between NC A&T and UNCG, dated Aug. 22, 2003, and  Aug. 28, 2003, called for seeking designation of Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf real estate, transferred to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus. Universities' resolutions seek designation of Joint Millennial without a syllable pertaining to a 75-acre parcel of NCA&T farmland, statutory foreclosed Greensboro attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr. alleged NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus inclusive of NC A&T Farmland.
Proposed Lease was smoking Gun No statuary NCGS: 116-198.34.(8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 by UNC Board of Governors for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities, and 75-acre parcel of NCA&T Farmland.
Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T, was considered by UNCG Board of Trustees. Action item background information timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 didn't indicated  JMC  was designed by UNC BOG.
Action Item background information says " in order to facilitate the GCID ability to perform its role as managed/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC by university counsels, GCID, and General Administration,  emphasis added.
Action item background information:
  • Timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 does not  indicated  JMC  was designed by UNC BOG,
  • In order to facilitate GCID ability to perform its role as manager/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC,
  • Properties Identified as the JMC consist of owned by the State of North Carolina ( Approximately 75 acres at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and  75 acres adjacent to the NC A&T farm, and
  • This document has also been reviewed by the Office of the President [ Erskine Bowles Office]
The Identified JMC property consisted of  land owned by the State of North Carolina (Approximately 75 acres with 142,000 square feet of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and approximately 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm).... which unambiguous constitute the UNC Board of  Governors alleged Oct. 10, 2003 designated NCA&T/UNC-G Millennial Campus, emphasis added.  Lease Background said " This document has also been reviewed by the Office of the President (Bowles)."
Erskine Bowles UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T
State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.  Proposed Lease unequivocal extinguished  UNC  Board of Governors alleged Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and the  University of North Carolina Greensboro -  false claim  Oct. 10, 2003 designation of  the Central School of the Deaf reallocated to the Board of Governors and 75-acre parcel on NCA&T farmland as Joint Millennial Campus.  video

Notwithstanding  Erskine Bowles General Administration submission of Acquisition of Real Property PO-1, dated March 13, 2006, to Department of Administration, State Property Office for the purpose to establish Joint Millennial Campus for NCA&T and UNCG; claiming this action has been approved by NCA&T and UNCG Board of Trustees. 

 The Bowles Administration May 2006, recommended approval of UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, containing known false claim:
  • The Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c) (3) entity that will admini
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG on the consent agenda.
UNC BOG document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro was approved by the Hanna Cage Committee on Budget and Finance; forward to full UNC BOG where it was approved on the consent agenda, and forwarded to be processed by the State Property Office.
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Board of Trustees Business Affairs Committee August 31, 2006 Action Item: Master Plan for the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, the Joint Millennial campus of UNCG and NC A&T was considered two month after May Board of Governors approval of Lease of alleged Joint Millennial Campus and three month before alleged Lease of Joint Millennial Campus was considered by the Council of State. Chancellor Sullivan introduced John Merrill, Director of the GCID, and gave a short history of the Joint Millennial Campus to the new members of the Board of Trustees. John presented a power point presentation of findings of the consultant firm working on the Master Plan for the campus. John Merrill then requested approval from this Board of the Master Plan for the South Campus of the JMC (75 acres adjacent to the NC A&T Farm).

August 31, 2006 Action Item Background Information says " In January 2006, a ground Lease was approved and recommended for approval by the Board of Governors.. .of the properties identified as the JMC."

UNCG August 31, 2006 Action Item: Master Plan for the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, the Joint Millennial campus of UNCG and NC A&T clearly associated UNC Board of  Governors un-law ground lease of Identified Joint Millennial Campus as alleged NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.

Response to Public Record Request from the State Property Office NCA&T/UNCG Bogus Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, rename Gateway Research Park, Inc., development timeline unambiguous indicated no NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003.
Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed by Board of Governors to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus consisting of Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland.  link
Adopt Section 600.1.6 of the UNC Policy Manual, Policy on Millennial Campuses
Background: The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campus Financing Act (G.S. 116-198.31) provided the Board certain authorities over the financing and development of the Centennial Campus at North Carolina State University, the Horace Williams Campus at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and additional millennial campuses designated by the Board at other constituent institutions. "The UNC Policy Manual has not been updated to include the Board’s authority for the Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, or other millennial campuses." Emphasis added.

§ 116-198.34. General Powers of Board of Governors (2000)

A Millennial Campus is Real Property designated by UNC Board of Governors pursuant NCGS116-198.34 (8b) ....of a constituent institution, to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a Millennial Campus" of the institution...Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meets the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. § 116-198.34. General Powers of Board of Governors. 


G.S. 116-198 Article 21B: The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campuses Financing Act define the process for seeking the Millennial Campus designation. That designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a Millennial Campus has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus. Furthermore, the Board of Governors has found that creating the constituent institution’s Millennial Campus will enhance the university’s research, teaching, and service missions, as well as enhance the economic development of the region served by the institution.
UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System  Office acting without a policy incorporating statutory prerequisites proceeded to designate de facto Millennial campus non-compliant with NCGS116-198.34 (8b).

UNC Board of Governors Approved Minutes Oct. 10, 2003

UNC Board of Governors Approved Minutes Oct. 10, 2003 do not indicate Board of Governors made required express finding that North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro  "had the administrative and  fiscal capacity to create and maintain Joint Millennial Campus
The Board of  Governors did not make an expressed finding North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro  "had the administrative and  fiscal capacity to create and maintain Joint Millennial  Campus depriving Board of  Governors authority to designate North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Joint Millennial Campus.
UNC Greensboro Chancellor  Franklin D. Gilliam alleged two millennial campus designated areas one on the Northside or Southside.

The General Assembly, Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC Board of Governors  to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses ( campuses is plural ) of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Clearly indicating UNC Greensboro didn't have sole claim to alleged Gateway Research North Campus.

UNCG Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs A. Edward Uprichard, Letter dated October 19, 2006 letter to Dr. Belle Wheelan Commission on Colleges, SACS stated. "I write to inform you that the University of North Carolina at Greensboro has expanded its campus to include a non-contiguous site. The "North Campus" is located at 5900 Summit Avenue, browns Summit, N.C. 27214, and will house instructional programs as well as research centers and institutes. All activities based there are a part of the current campus governance and organizational structure..
 UNC Greensboro Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam defined NCA&T/UNCG millennial campus as "We have done this before...two other designated millennial campus areas ... one on the Southside of Greensboro and one on the North side of  Greensboro. On the Southside in conjunction with A&T and on the Northside our own."  said UNC
Video Video
 Greensboro Chancellor  Franklin D. Gilliam, unambiguous allege claim to former Central School of the Deaf property.  
Committee on Budget and Finance minutes indicate the committee approved the designation as a Millennial Campus at UNC Greensboro.

BOG Approved Minutes May 19, 2017

Millennial Campus UNCG was approved on the Consent Agenda

Millennial Campus – UNCG ISSUE OVERVIEW RECOMMENDATION prepared by UNC System Office indicate: The President has completed the required consultations and recommends that the Board approve the  request for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to be granted Millennial Campus status. The campus has the administrative and fiscal capacity that is required and the activities to be performed on  the Millennial Campus would advance regional economic development.
Background: G.S. 116-198 Article 21B: The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campuses Financing Act define the process for seeking the Millennial Campus designation. That designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a Millennial Campus has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus. Furthermore, the Board of Governors has found that creating the constituent institution’s Millennial Campus will enhance the university’s research, teaching, and service missions, as well as enhance the economic development of the region served by the institution.

NCGS 116-198-34(8b) plain language  says in part that designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a "Millennial Campus" has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus....Video
Neither Committee on Budget and Finance nor Full Board of Governors Minutes May 19, 2017 indicate an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a "Millennial Campus" has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus.., the Board of Governors has found that creating the constituent institution’s Millennial Campus will enhance the university’s research, teaching, and service missions, as well as enhance the economic development of the region served by the institution; lacking which the Board of Governors did not have authority to designate UNC Greensboro Millennial Campus pursuant G.S. 116-198.34(8b).

North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Request for Millennial Campus Designation for just over 32 acres on its campus as a Millennial Campus Oct. 9th, 2018 designation of May 18, 2017 UNC Greensboro Millennial Campus Assessment alleged expansion of the Millennial campus. NCCU's Assessment did not indicate creation of an UNCG Millennial Campus independent of alleged NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.

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