Black Triad News. Com 
"News and Views of People of Color in the Triad and Beyond"


"There is one (sovereignpower, one God regardless the name and one humanity"; There is only one King (of kings) and one King  maker and I'm it;  "Hate is a virus with no cure" said Jehovah.
Praised Jehovah and nobody else. The LORD's Man, Jesus Christ Super Star, Michael Jerel Pippen since 1949.   I'm not black in white man's game but Jehovah's begotten  in His game King of the Angels, joined by wingmen Archangels Gabriel (Avenging Angel) & Michael (Destroyer of Worlds) and Armies to plow the road.  When the Creator want to get in man's face He send Jesus.  Video 
Man 2.0 New World Order (DEI): Thou shall love your neighbor as thyself  - its forward together, those opposed are not going forward at all.  Reported in the Media: Microsoft Axes DEI Team, Leader Calls Policies ‘No Longer Business Critical’; What We Know About the Global Microsoft Outage

"The only time I can get man's attention is when it floods"


Trump Bible

Never Trumps and confederates the devil's own The CREATOR has set His face against Trumps world wide.  The yang is the same - then it was alleged Humans replacing Angels - rallies were held, speakers spokethe CREATOR 
watched them jump up and down, culminating in Booyah. None will be allowed to assassinate him prior to election, when whose running with the devil indisputable identify themselves.


In The News

James Martin II elected Chancellor of North Carolina A&T State University

Civil engineer and former engineering dean at the University of Pittsburgh will lead nation's largest HBCU

Director of Media Relations Photo UNC

RALEIGH, N.C. – James Martin II, an accomplished civil engineer who has led engineering and STEM initiatives at three large public research universities, was elected chancellor of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University today by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors.

UNC System President Peter Hans recommended Martin, vice chancellor of STEM Innovation and Research at the University of Pittsburgh, following a national search that drew a highly competitive field, including three finalists endorsed by the North Carolina A&T Board of Trustees.

Martin's appointment will begin on Aug. 15. He succeeds Harold Martin Sr., who will retire after 15 years as chancellor. 


Jehovah, ultimate father to all and defender of the disenfranchised, steps out of the background into the foreground on behalf of enslaved people in the most powerful county at that time.

HBCU Stem Conference at  NCA&T  Photo Courtesy NCA&T

 In North Carolina In North Carolina Agricultural And Technical State University, where the student made the bricks to build the building in which to be educated, the  LORD established a Land Grant  University where the sons
and  daughters of former slaves and slave owners, coal miners daughters  and sons, alleged trailer park trash, working people, and the disenfranchised World Wide, can potentially move pass their pass, working together through shared  experiences and competition, potentially embracing the ideal they don't have to  kill each other, as they prepare for their future in an education setting accessing world wide education opportunities at the highest levels. NC A&T working with others institutions shall established joint academic programs with other HBCUs expanding institutions offering  jobs with a future. 

Teach a man to fish he will eat a lifetime if there are fish in the river.

Banality of Evilconceived in bigotry and nourished on the twin fronts of prejudice and injustice.  Why is alleged Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering   joint with HWI UNC Greensboro and located at UNC Greensboro affiliate Gateway Research Park, on HBCU NCA&T Farmland?
North Carolina Confederate / Trump  Leopard has not changed its spots, UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System Office complicit with Greensboro Business organizations , UNC Greensboro and Gateway Research Parking has not changed their spots. In 1970, the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare notified the University of North Carolina System that it was violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by maintaining a racially dual system of public higher education.

HBCU  institution North Carolina A&T, one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs throughthe doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies.  “ The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services”.  NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres  of land along East Lee Street targeted to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology and agricultural research and its students, which didn't include across-town historical white UNC Greensboro and its affiliated members of the Greensboro business community.
Nanotechnology : Nanoscience and Nanoengineering should have been NC A&T Signature programs
HB 1264 (6),  says with regard to the University System, there shall be special emphasis on the development of signature programs for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
"It is predicted that nano scale science will change the nature of almost every human-made product this century. This field has great potential applications in materials, medicine, electronics, optics, data storage, advanced manufacturing, environment, energy, and national security.  PCG/UNC-NCCS/UNC Interim report3. doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.Atpcc.I /CC.14/10May05 page 109]

Historical Black Land Grant NC A&T was listed as University focus on Nanotechnology May 2005. cross-town Historical White UNC Greensboro was not listed as a University focused on Nanotechnology and and Gateway Research Park did not exist.
" I am so energized by the potential of this research park, in particular the joint schools of nano technology and nano science. The world is seeing explosive growth today in the commercialization of nanotechnology. We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford County that we need to participate in that explosion, and they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park." said ("Greensboro Boy" ) Erskine Bowles  President of the University of North Carolina System.  [2]
Fraudulent claiming HBCU NC A&T and HWI UNCG were partners in Board of Governors designated NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) NC A&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus Gateway Research Park South Campus.   May 2007 UNC Board of Governors established alleged Joint School of

Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, at bogus NC A&T / UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate, Gateway University  Research Park, Inc.; to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree.

The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be a unique, interdisciplinary school, located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the Joint Millennial campus of the NCA&T and UNCG.
Received pursuant Public Record request from NC A&T for documents supporting Public Private Partnership with Gateway Research Park; An approved Joint Millennial Campus by the UNC Board of Governors in 2003, and Gateway Research Park, Inc. provide operation oversight and owns the assets. NC A&T reply produced Board of  Governor document Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2003) and alleged Oct. 2003  BOG Minutes approving alleged Millennial Campus.  A list of  Associated entitiesNone of the documents indicate Gateway provide operational oversight, owns the assets, nor N.C. A&T had a public private relationship with Gateway Research Park, Inc.


2023 UNC SYSTEM MILLENNIAL CAMPUS REPORT institutions with millennial campus designations and UNC System, does not indicate NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus (JMC) authorized but indicate UNC System Millennial Campus designated in 2003.

Unambiguous no statutory NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus and lawfully leased to Gateway Research Park, Inc.. Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University remained allocated to UNC Board of  Governors.
 UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T
State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro. Two parcels:
Approximately 75 acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T farm
and located on Lee Street; Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly known as the Central North Caroling School for the Deaf.   Proposed Lease unequivocal extinguished  UNC  Board of Governors alleged Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State 
University and the  University of North Carolina Greensboro -  false claim  Oct. 10, 2003 designation of  the Central School of the Deaf reallocated to the Board of Governors and 75-acre parcel on NCA&T farmland as Joint Millennial Campus and UNC System Millennial Campus in 2003.    Video

Erskine Bowles appointee Interim NC A&T Chancellor Lloyd V. Hackley and UNCG Chancellor made the Request to Establish The JSNN March 7, 2006.
The establishment of the Joint School will be one of the most exciting developments in the history of the Triad and will serve as a national model for collaboration between two institutions, not to mention a historical black institution and a historical white/female institution.

NC A&T/UNCG submitted Joint Request for authorization to Establish” Ph.D. in Nanoscience” dated Oct. 10, 2008 to UNC General Administration and Joint Request for authorization to establish “Master of Science (in Nanoscience)” dated Nov. 21, 2008  to UNC General Administration.
Description of the Program

Nanoscience is the "investigation, fabrication and characterization of matter. Nanoscience is by its very nature interdisciplinary. The required education curriculum is also , by nature interdisciplinary involving various educational curricula within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Stem)
The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) responsible for collecting and presenting statistical data and information for the nation; classifies Nanoscience and Nanoengineering as Nanotechnology CIP 15.1601: Engineering technologies and Engineering related fields.
Historical black North Carolina A&T, as one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs through the doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies. “The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services” .
Nanotechnology is Experimental.
NC A&T was 4th in Nanotechnology Research at North Carolina Universities
with $11 Million Dollars between 2000-2005 and UNC Greensboro was 11th out of 12 with $44,999. In 2003 A&T, NATO Sponsor Material Symposium in Ukraine.
For Liberal Arts UNC Greensboro with doctorial programs in music and nursing to offer Nanoscience degrees  requires access to NC A&T academic programs and research:  “Although the degree is in Nanoscience (does not include Nanoengineering)

students will be given the opportunity to take relevant courses at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and must be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering.

“Activities/Resources: Leverage faculty collaboration at JSNN to enhance research partnerships between UNCG and NC A&T researchers.  Expected Result, UNCG opportunities in grants previously unavailable due to limitations in areas of certain research expertise. “
UNC Policy for Interdisciplinary Degree 

An Interdisciplinary Degree program involves two or more academic units, either on the same or different campuses  in a formal agreement to offer a program of study drawing on two or more disciplines that will result in a student being awarded an interdisciplinary degree. If more than one campus is involved in offering the program it would also be a joint degrees.
United States v. Fordice, 505 U.S. 717 (1992) a United States Supreme Court case that resulted in an eight to one ruling that the eight public universities in Mississippi had not sufficiently integrated and that the state must take affirmative action to change this under the Equal Protection Clause and Title VI.    This is not a legal setting but context comparison UNC BOG & SOCS policies in light of the selected text held in UNITED STATES v. FORDICE, GOVERNOR OF MISSISSIPPI :

..If the State perpetuates policies and practices traceable to its prior de jure dual system that continue to have segregative effects ...implicit in the court’s finding of “unnecessary” duplication is the absence of any educational justification ....and such policies are without sound educational justification and can be practicably eliminated, implicated the Equal Protection clause... , emphasis added.

Reported in the Media:  "UNCG and N.C. A&T are partners in the project. UNCG is offering graduate degrees in Nanoscience. A&T will eventually offer degrees in Nanoengineering."[11]
Notwithstanding May 2007 UNC Board of Governors established alleged Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, at bogus NC A&T / UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate, Gateway University Research Park, Inc. to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree. 

NC A&T has twelve years of Experience in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience (4)
The University of North Carolina Board of Governors authorized PWI UNC Greensboro Nanoscience MS on November 13, 2009 and  PhD program in Nanoscience on January 8, 2010 requiring UNCG students take relevant courses  at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering”.

Excluding (The) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State university from offering  MS and PhD Nanoscience degrees, forcing the HBCU out of the JSNN Mission to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree.
The Chancellor signature certifies proposal [UNC Policy Manual 400.1.5(G)] to establish new degree program was reviewed and approved by the appropriate campus committees and authorities.
Responding to a Public records request to Dr. David H. Perrin UNCG Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor,1/7/11, for a copy of an UNCG chancellor signed request to establish stand alone Masters and PhD Nanoscience degrees at UNCG,  Counsel Steve Serck responded  "In response to your request of 1/7/11, no such documents as you described exists." 
Unambiguous lack of UNCG Chancellor Dr. Linda Brady signed Proposals requesting  to establish Nanoscience Professional Master of Science in Nanoscience and Ph.D. Nanoscience clearly demonstrated UNCG had not expressed intentions to establish the degrees, they had not been approved by the faculty and administration, and were not pursuant UNC Policies 400.1.1,1[G]and 400.1.1.5[G].
When all of the occupations which will be affected by nanotechnology will require a BS in engineering with a broad, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach; will require an understanding not only of electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, but biology, physics and chemistry as well.

PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05

University of North Carolina at Greensboro  2008-2009 Profile

Why is across-town Liberal Art UNC Greensboro with programs in music and nursing, requiring relevant courses be taken at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and will be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering”, except for unvarnished racism offering Nanotechnology degrees?  
See Banality of Evil, conceived in bigotry and nourished on the twin fronts of prejudice and injustice.  Why is alleged Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering   joint with HWI UNC Greensboro and located at UNC Greensboro affiliate Gateway Research Park , HBCU NC&AT Farmland?
[2] Ribbon Cutting Sets Gateway Project in Motion, The Aggie Report VOLUME EIGHT - NUMBER TWENTY - MAY 25, 2007 ].
[3]  A&T CHANCELLOR PLANS TO RETIRE: FORT: GOALS COMPLETE, Greensboro News & Record - Friday, May 29, 1998 , BETH MCMURTRIE Staff Write
4] UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
[11] Jonnelle Davis (Nano, money No.1 on A&T, UNC-G list News & Record 10.04.2010)
38]  Amended and Restated (JSNN) Management Agreement 4/24/2009

UNC Board of Governor portrayed UNC Greensboro 2017 Request for Millennial Campus Designation as expansion non-existing NCA&T-UNCG Joint Millennial Campus; UNCG Chancellor Franklin Gilliam, Jr.  said "We've done this before our on on the North side and on the South Side with A&T
UNC Board of Governor meeting material portrayed UNC Greensboro Request for Millennial Campus Designation  May 18, 2017 for two parcels of land on the university master plan as expansion  to non-existing UNC Greensboro Northside (School of the Deaf property) Millennial Campus, on the Southside Millennial Campus NC A&T on Chancellor Harold Martin watch. The expansion of the Millennial Campus would not alter the level of oversight required by the Board of Governors for UNCG property transactions. Assessment  indicated the Millennial Campus concept has been widely and successfully used by NCSU, UNC-CH, NCA&T/UNCG, ASU, ECU, UNCC, UNCW, and WCU.  Assessment  did not indicate any previous  Board of  Governor designated UNC Greensboro Millennial Campus.  Clearly alleged Joint NCA&T/UNCG millennial campus is the "millennial Campus referred to expanding.
Notwithstanding NCA&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
In letter dated Oct. 10, 2006 UNC Greensboro Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs A. Edward Uprichard to Dr. Belle Wheelan Executive Director Commission on Colleges, SACS stated that the University of North Carolina at Greensboro has expanded its campus to include a non-contiguous site. The "North Campus" is located at 5900 Summit Avenue, Browns Summit, N.C. 27214, and will house instructional programs as well as research center and institutes. All activities based there are a part of the current campus governance and organizational structure. Emphasis added
 UNC Greensboro Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam defined NCA&T/UNCG millennial campus as "We have done this before...two other designated millennial campus areas ... one on the Southside of Greensboro and one on the North side of  Greensboro. On the Southside in conjunction with A&T and on the Northside our own."  said UNC
Video Video
 Greensboro Chancellor  Franklin D. Gilliam, unambiguous allege claim to former Central School of the Deaf property as UNCG Northside Millennial Campus. 


2023 UNC SYSTEM MILLENNIAL CAMPUS REPORT institutions with millennial campus designations and UNC System, does not indicate NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus (JMC) nor NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus was authorized.

Unambiguous no statutory NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus and lawfully leased to Gateway Research Park, Inc.. Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University remained allocated to UNC Board of  Governors.


Former NCA&T Chancellor Dr. Harold Martin, Sr. alleged NCA&T and UNCG joined 2005-06 for various reasons. Video

HBCU  institution North Carolina A&T, one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs throughthe doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies.  “ The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services”.  NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres  of land along East Lee Street targeted to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology and agricultural research and its students, which didn't include across-town historical white UNC Greensboro and its affiliated members of the Greensboro business community.
Nanotechnology : Nanoscience and Nanoengineering should have been NC A&T Signature programs

Historical Black Land Grant NC A&T was listed as University focus on Nanotechnology May 2005. cross-town Historical White UNC Greensboro was not listed as a University focused on Nanotechnology and and Gateway Research Park did not exist.
The [UNC-G] Associate Provost for Research and Partnerships serves on the Government Relations council for the Greensboro Partnership and through this role contributed to the lobbying efforts with the state legislators for funding for the Joint School of  Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. The College [College of Arts and Sciences] was a central player in the continuing work to establish the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering with NCA&T University. Degrees or programs being considered for the future· MS in Nanoscience and Ph.D. in Nanoscience. [UNC-G Curricular Planning, Academic Affairs Annual Report AY 2007/08]



2023 UNC SYSTEM MILLENNIAL CAMPUS REPORT institutions with millennial campus designations and UNC System, does not indicate NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus (JMC) nor NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus was authorized. It indicate UNC System millennial campus was authorized in 2003. 

Unambiguous no statutory NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus and lawfully leased to Gateway Research Park, Inc. . Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University remained allocated to UNC Board of  Governors.
 UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T
State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro. Two parcels:
Approximately 75 acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T farm
and located on Lee Street; Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly known as the Central North Caroling School for the Deaf.   Proposed Lease unequivocal extinguished designation of  the Central School of the Deaf reallocated to the Board of Governors and 75-acre parcel on NCA&T farmland as alleged UNC System Millennial campus in 2003.  video
See NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Board of Trustees Notices  two day Orientation and Retreat at Graylyn International Conference Center – Winston-Salem, NC  Thursday and Friday July 18-19, 2019.  The Thursday agenda included Oath of Office.  The Friday, July 19 Agenda included BOT Meeting, Chaired Timothy King, considered Action Item: Policy Approval's), Action Item: Policy Approval's), Action Item: Approval to Establish Centers of Excellence, Action Item: Resolution Approval's)* and Discussion Item: Personnel Matter's)*.   Approvals taking place before first regular scheduled on Sept. 27, 2019.  NC A&T Board of  Trustees without authority to approved July 19, 2019 Orientation and Retreat agenda Action Items
Student actual Tuition more than double State Actual Appropriation but Student success, Wellness, Engagement and Career Development is  third on the list of  Chancellor Harold Martin and Board of Trustees Strategic Priorities.

The Center is fully aligned with the university’s strategic plan, Preeminence 2023. In partnership with the Division of Research and Economic Development, the Center will help companies leverage university resources. It will act as the front door for corporations and other partners, directing companies to the right N.C. A&T resource. 

BOT Meeting Friday July 19th, 2019 chaired by King, considered Action Item: Policy Approval (s), Action Item: Approval to Establish Centers of Excellence, Action Item: Resolution Approval. Roll call was not made, Quorum was not established.  UNC conflict of Interest Statement in accordance with Chapter II, Section 204 of the Code of the UNC Board of Governors was not made and determined by the board, include (retired) Judge scheduled to administer the Oath.  A group voice vote was conducted  approving  action items.  Video

NC A&T Board of Trustees University Affairs Committee Meetings draft Minutes Friday, February 26, 2021,  Dr. Tonya Smith-Jackson, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, provided an update on the three Centers of Excellence allege claim they were established in 2018 and launched in 2019.
NC A&T Board of Trustee Meetings minutes do not indicate Three Centers of Excellence were established in 2018. Public record request for Approval to Plan and Establish New Centers of Excellence in 2018 to NC A&T reply consisted of 2019 documents contradicting alleged by Smith-Jackson presentation Centers of Excellence (alleged)  established in 2018 and launched in 2019. Minutes of  2018. 

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