North Carolina A&T is where the students made the bricks to build the building in which to be educated. All (HBCU) North Carolina A&T has is a little land and few degrees and they want to take that - defeat their plan said the LORD.  As the minister said the LORD can it away from you or you away from it. A tool in the LORD's toolbox, my shepherd, black and proud, Jesus Christ Michael J. Pippen Sr. since 1949.  Wingmen Archangels Gabriel & Michael  & Host -- to plow the road--don't be in the road. 02.023.23
"There are 15 or more members on the Board of Governors from Chapel Hill and none from North Carolina A&T or other HBCUs within the system, clearly equality and respect has not been shown to A&T by the system."  NC A&T Board of Trustee member said, as published in BOT Meeting Minutes 04-18-07
North Carolina Confederate / Trump  Leopard has not changed its spots - Banality of Evil, conceived in bigotry, nourished on the twin fronts of prejudice and injustice, UNC Board of Governors unvarnished  institutional racism and corruption depriving HBCU NC A&T equal protection of the law;

Greensboro Business Organizations working through UNC System Office colonized HBCU NC A&T via de factor NCAT/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus; rebrand A&T academic programs, land, research and facilities as Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering ( NCA&T and UNCG are committed to the principle that the JSNN is a shared academic unit of the two institutions in terms of ...curriculum 36),  located at bogus UNC System Millennial campus \aka\ de facto NC A&T\UNC-G Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate Gateway Research Park, Inc, with UNCG.
The Joint School of  Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be built on the Research of  Wake forest and NCA&T "[13]
"The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be a unique, interdisciplinary school, located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the joint millennial campus of NC A&T and UNCG' ... “It [JSNN] will be one of the most stimulating opportunities in the history of the area and will serve as a national model for collaboration between two institutions, one a historical black institution and the other a historical white female institution.”  “The building would include the academic departments, laboratory facilities (teaching and research), and centers and institutes of the new School as well as selected centers and institutes currently located at the partner universities. [5]Emphasis added

 Noose Found At JSNN / Gateway  was hate crime committed?

From: Chancellor Harold L. Martin, Sr.  Date: November 7, 2017
Re: Incident at JSNN
Earlier today, a staff member at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) discovered a noose hanging in the school’s facilities. N.C. A&T, UNCG, and Greensboro police departments quickly identified the individual responsible, an outside contractor who told authorities he meant the noose as a joke. That contractor has been terminated and will not be allowed to work for either university or Gateway University Research Park in the future.  I am deeply disturbed by this incident; such actions have no place at our university or in our society and certainly will not be tolerated. I am grateful to our police departments and our colleagues at JSNN for bringing the matter to a close, emphasis added.   Martin is not the District Attorney was hate crime committed?
"The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be a unique, interdisciplinary school, located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the joint millennial campus of NC A&T and UNCG" [5]
No statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated by UNC Board of Governors ("UNC BOG"), enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. ("GCID")  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of Joint Millennial Campus; UNC BOG/  UNC System Office de facto designated millennial campus\ NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus & Joint School of Nanoscience  and Nanoengineering, serves

as conduit diverting NCA&T proposed   university millennial campus 75-acres of farmland, USDA sole source agreement to located building on NCA&T millennial campus, Federal Research and Academic programs, to be accessed by HWI UNC Greensboro, Gateway Research Park, Inc., businesses, and addition UNC constituents institutions and other institutions, as UNCG/NCA&T Joint Millennial campus, aka, Gateway University Research Park; No lawful lease was executed by UNC Board of Governors/UNC System Office to GCID for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NCA&T Farmland

North Carolina A&T Millennial Campus

HBCU  institution North Carolina A&T, one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs throughthe doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies.  “ The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services”.  NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres  of land along East Lee Street targeted to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology and agricultural research and its students, which didn't include across-town historical white UNC Greensboro and its members of the Greensboro business community.
NCGS § 116-198.34. (8b) says in part “The designation should be based on the express finding that the institution has the administrative and fiscal capacity to create and maintain such a campus, and provided further, that the Board of Governors has found that the creation of the constituent institution's "Millennial Campus" will enhance the institution's research, teaching, and service missions as well as enhance the economic development of the region.” A&T is known for its engineering and agricultural programs and UNCG’s background is nursing and the humanities “ [13] . NCA&T and cross-town UNC- G have different research, teaching, and service missions.
Negotiation began in 2002 and September 2004 NC A&T State University celebrated the sighing of Memorandum of Understanding  with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the opening of the National Resources Conservation Services Eastern Regional Technology Center whose service area consisted of 24 states and the Caribbean area. The Greensboro Center was also home to the remote sensing lab.  The Memorandum of Understanding says A&T has a working farm with modern facilities and farm equipment. NRCS will benefit from the use of this farm by  being able to provide hands-on training to NRCS employees. NRCS can sponsor field studies that can serve as demonstrations to both NRCS trainees and also local
and regional farmers. A&T constituents will also benefit from this type of applied investigation. Finally, A&T faculty and students can also benefit academically by conducting scholarly research and publishing this information.
In 2003-04, with the backbone of North Carolina's industrial economy Tobacco, Textiles, and Furniture outsourced, in decline/recession or outsourced with appropriations for UNC-System taking an ever increasing multi-billion dollar bite out of state's coffers, North Carolina's Legislature thru House Bill 1264 (HB 1264) direct UNC-BOG and COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM  to contract a private consulting firm that had experience in  higher education to conduct a comprehensive study (Staying a step  ahead) of the mission and educational program needs to ensure that the State's citizens are academically prepared and equipped for current job opportunities and jobs of the future in North Carolina's growing knowledge economy.

Emerging from a legislative mandated study HB 1264 , Staying a Step Ahead,  to ensure  the State's citizens are academically prepared and equipped for current job opportunities and jobs of the future in North Carolina's  growing knowledge economy, explicitly referred to research clusters Public Health, Biotechnology, Bio & Food Sciences, Advanced Materials & nanotechnology, Computational Science & Engineering,  Leadership & Community development, Information Sciences & Technology, Transportation & Logistics, and Energy & Environment created by HBCU NCA&T.
Nanotechnology and Biotechnology should have been NC A&T Signature programs
HB 1264 (6),  says with regard to the University System, there shall be special emphasis on the development of signature programs for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
“Signature programs” have been defined as those that are distinctive, that build on existing strengths, that advance the institution’s profile, and that serve regional and/or state economic transformation needs."
“Expertise in nanotechnology may become a prerequisite for many scientists and engineers that support a wide variety of industries, nano expertise among the North Carolina science and engineering workforce may soon become a competitive advantage issue for the state. [PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05 Page 34 ]
"It is predicted that nano scale science will change the nature of almost every human-made product this century. This field has great potential applications in materials, medicine, electronics, optics, data storage, advanced manufacturing, environment, energy, and national security.  PCG/UNC-NCCS/UNC Interim report3. doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.Atpcc.I /CC.14/10May05 page 109]

Historical Black Land Grant NC A&T was listed as University focus on Nanotechnology May 2005.
Cross town Historical White UNC Greensboro was not listed as a University focused on Nanotechnology.

"We're Not Following Any Path, We're Blazing A Trail"

NC A&T is "well known in areas such as advanced materials, nanotechnology,, computational science, and says N. Radhakrishnan, former VP for research and economic development at N.C. A&T. The school also has significant strengths in other areas, including biotechnology, energy and the environment, information sciences and technology, logistics and transportation development. 
All these endeavors are aligned in eight research  clusters that bring faculty together across disciplines to develop large research projects. These research clusters run in parallel with a number of multidisciplinary centers and institutes at N.C. A&T  which develop partnerships with private and corporate sponsors, educational institutions, and government agencies.
The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) responsible for collecting and presenting statistical data and information for the nation; classifies Nanoscience and Nanoengineering as Nanotechnology CIP 15.1601: Engineering technologies and Engineering related fields.

PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05


University of North Carolina at Greensboro  2008-2009 Profile

Historical black North Carolina A&T, as one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs through the doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies. “The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services” .
UNC Board of Governors January 2007 authorized UNC Charlotte, which has an Engineering School, to offer a Ph.D. in Nanoscale Science.  Offering Nanoscale Science was not a Substantial Change as defined by the SACS for UNC Charlotte.  Nov. 2012 UNC Board of Governors authorized a Master’s in Nanoengineering to Land Grant Institution NC State, which has an Engineering. Offering Nanoengineering was not a Substantial Change as defined by the SACS for NC State.

Consistent with other engineering schools in the UNC System offering Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (Material Science) programs  are not  Substantial Changes as defined by the SACS and  consistent with the education, curricular, mission and goals of NC A&T State University.  No liberal arts only school offered Nanotechnology degrees in the UNC System.

Dr. Alan Mabe Senor Vice President for Academic Affairs April 28, 2009 to Ed Planning, Ph.D. Memorandum degree proposals indicate  NC A&T  plan to offer Nanoscience and Material Science (Nanoengineering).
Nanotechnology is Experimental
NCA&T State University has been funded at an average rate of $3-5 million per year in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Most of the research in nanoengineering is done in the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures (CAMSS). Several Centers and projects are under CAMSS, including the NSF Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST), the DoD Center for Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and Multifunctional Materials (CNN) for Homeland Security, the NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), the NSF project on US/Europe Materials Collaboration: Self-Organized Nanostructured Thin Films for Catalysis, the NSF project on Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT), the NSF Major Research Instrumentation for Nanoengineering Research, and the NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) program. CAMSS also facilitates many of the materials research activities of the NASA-National Institute for Aerospace (NIA). In addition, the Center for Composite Materials Research (CCMR) does research in nano-enhanced composite materials and the Army Center of Excellence for Battlefield Capability Enhancements (Flexible Displays) does research in material characterization and development of novel displays.

NCA&T was 4th in Nanotechnology Research at North Carolina Universities with $11 Million Dollars between 2000-2005. In 2003 A&T, NATO Sponsor Material Symposium in Ukraine.

For Liberal Arts UNC Greensboro with doctorial programs in music and nursing to offer Nanoscience degrees  requires access to NC A&T academic programs and research:  “Although the degree is in Nanoscience (does not include Nanoengineering)

students will be given the opportunity to take relevant courses at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and must be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering.
N.C. A&T Awarded NSF Engineering Research Center
Shena Crittendon,
Greensboro – North Carolina A&T State University has been awarded a grant for an Engineering Research Center (ERC) from the National Science Foundation (NSF).  Engineering Research Center grants represent major investments by NSF in partnership with industry to transform engineering research and education.  The centers aim to produce innovative technologies and engineering graduates to significantly enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. economy.  Award funding has been approved at $18 million for the initial five years, with a potential duration of 10 years.
"With the millions of federal dollars flowing to this center (NSF ERC), what [ we] can do to increase the economic opportunities in Guilford County, the Triad and in the state of  North Carolina is truly phenomenal," said Erskine Bowles , president of the UNC system. [A&T lands prized NSF center][31].
The NSF ERC for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials at A&T will conduct research in the areas of biomedical engineering and nano-bio applications and is in partnership with the Universities of Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. It also has a global technical partner in Germany’s Hannover School of Medicine and a global cultural and outreach partner in the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. California State University at Los Angeles will serve as an outreach partner in the USA.  The ERC has partnerships with pre-college institutions in North Carolina to involve teachers and students in engineering; it has partnerships with a broad range of North Carolina organizations devoted to entrepreneurship and small business development.   Emphasis added
Staying a Step Ahead (HB 1264(7)(2003-04)) the Legislature mandated the Board of Governors emphasized existing and new programs at Liberal Arts  Universities specifically aimed at meeting business, industry, workforce, and career needs of North Carolina in the State's changing and growing knowledge-based economy, taking into account, as appropriate, State and regional economic strategies.
Its [UNCG] historically strong programs in music, education and nursing are not the kinds of programs that spin off research and development or software companies to fuel high tech economies [Ken Mayer, Editorial, UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad, Triad Business Journal Nov 9, 1998] ( Ken Mayer is former Chairman UNCG BOT 2003-2004 & 2004-2005.

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2003-2004 Profile

 With the source of enrollment growth being minorities as white enrollment leveled off across  the  University of North Carolina, Guilford Technical Community College experiencing record enrollment, ECPI University and ITT Tech offering addition technology based education in the Triad education market place.   What’s left on the plate for Majority serving Liberal Arts UNCG with a potential national

 and regional prominent HBCU NCA&T across town? Would political astute business organization affiliated UNC-G use political connections to reposition Majority serving  UNC-G in and Minority serving NCA&T out?  UNC-G 2003-08 formulated a 2003-08 academic plan to establish a joint Millennial campus with NC A&T.
NCGS § 116-36.5. (c) All money received through development of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina as defined by NCGS § 116-198.33(4b), from whatever source, including the net proceeds from the lease or rental of real property on a Millennial Campus, shall be placed in a special, continuing, and nonreverting trust fund having the sole and exclusive use for further development of that Millennial Campus.
Why NC A&T should not seek Joint Millennial Campus with UNC Greensboro?
NCGS § 116-36.5. (c) All money received through development of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina as defined by NCGS § 116-198.33(4b), from whatever source, including the net proceeds from the lease or rental of real property on a Millennial Campus, shall be placed in a special, continuing, and nonreverting trust fund having the sole and exclusive use for further development of that Millennial Campus.

N.C. A&T has Third Consecutive Record Year for Research Funding
   Jamie Crockett

EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (July 18, 2019) – Faculty researchers at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University earned $64.37 million in contracts and grants in 2018-19. A strong majority of the research awards come from the federal sector, are competitive in nature and support collaborative and innovative projects.
Alleged in the mediaWilbur L. Ross Jr., a billionaire financier and the country's newest textile industry baron, plans to invest more money in nanotechnology companies. " [Wilbur Ross forms partnership to invest in nanotech firms Monday, May 23, 2005
Its [UNCG] historically strong programs in music, education and nursing are not the kinds of programs that spin off research and development or software companies to fuel high tech economies". UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad, Triad Business Journal Nov 9,1998] ( Ken Mayer former Chairman UNCG BOT 2003-2004 & 2004-2005. 
“Activities/Resources: Leverage faculty collaboration at JSNN to enhance research partnerships between UNCG and NC A&T researchers.  Expected Result, UNCG opportunities in grants previously unavailable due to limitations in areas of certain research expertise. “
Make Greensboro Great again, me too PWI UNC Greensboro diverting programs, land and facilities away from HBCU NC A&T

"The goal isn't to expand mankind's body of knowledge so much as it is to expand the local economy." [7]  Reported in the Media: Last month, the members [Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce] came up with a recommendation: a Knowledge Campus, " more commonly known as a research park. this campus would house N.C. A&T's and UNC-G's flagship research programs, like engineering and biotechnology" There, cutting-edge research could be spun off into startup businesses and lure exiting ones from other parts of the nation. Young people would flock to Greensboro for a shot at high-paying, high-tech jobs with a real future. [28] Union Square Campus is a key initiative of Opportunity Greensboro, a working group of leaders from Greensboro businesses, foundations and higher education institutions. This national model of collaboration is identifying and acting on opportunities to transform our wealth of educational assets into economic success—creating for Greensboro a competitive advantage for business growth. "[31]
May 19, 1999, UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan and NC A&T Chancellor Edward Forte  signed Knowledge Based Economic Development An Affiliation Agreement Between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina At Greensboro calling for Creation of a Center and Foundation established as a nonprofit corporation. The affiliation agreement called NC A&T and UNCG to take steps to
 facilitate the creation of a Foundation for Knowledge Based Economic Development - established as nonprofit corporation - whose purpose will be to receive, hold, and invest private monies, royalties and other non-public grant proceeds which maybe given to or derived from the research and development activities conducted under Knowledge Based Economic Development An affiliation Agreement signed  months before NC A&T Chancellor Renick  became Chancellor.
Current  Chancellor Harold Martin was A&T lead on  Knowledge Based Economic Development Agreement.
" Dr. Harold Martin, provost at N.C. A&T, said: "The proposed Knowledge Based Economic Development initiative with A&T and UNCG is an exceptional opportunity for both universities and our faculties as we create a tremendous way to extract successful university research and program ways to stimulate economic development throughout the broader community. These types of collaborative efforts are becoming a more important part of the expanded role for universities. A&T and UNCG will essentially be serving as the catalyst to ‘grow new jobs' and expand the economic development base for the community we serve."  [N.C. A&T, UNCG SIGN JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENT

Triad Region Steering Committee (June 2005)

The North Carolina legislative mandate in Section 13.6 of House Bill 1414 provides funding for the state’s seven regional economic development partnerships to develop and implement strategic vision plans that accomplish the following tasks:

(6.) Integrate the North Carolina Community College System and The University of North Carolina into economic development efforts and planning.

The Triad Region Steering Committee (June 2005), was chaired by Tom Ross – (UNC-G Board of Trustee Member) and Executive Director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, and Watts Carr, Chairman of the Piedmont Triad Partnership Board of Directors.  Steering Committee members included Harold Martin Winston Salem StateJames Renick/Phil Halstead North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, Patricia Sullivan/John Merrill UNC GreensboroPriscilla Taylor UNC Board of Governors, Greensboro, and Jim Melvin, Joseph M. Bryan Foundation, Greensboro.  Emphasis added
Serving as Chancellor for Winston Salem State,  Dr. Harold Martin was on a steering committee along with James Renick-NCAT, Patricia Sullivan/John Merrill - UNC Greensboro, Tom Ross, Priscilla Taylor-UNC BOG, and Jim Melvin - Greensboro Development Corp., to Integrate the North Carolina Community College System and The University of North Carolina into regional economic development efforts and planning.
GUILFORD TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROPERTY LEASE  allow  the personnel and facilities of Guilford Technical Community College, such as the technical campus on  Wendover Campus,  be used in support of economic development through the operation of the Donald W. Cameron Campus .
SECTION 10.9.(a) Section 1 of S.L. 2011-153 reads as rewritten:
"SECTION 1. Notwithstanding G.S. 115D-15, Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes, Chapter 66 of the General Statutes, or any other provision of law, the board of trustees of Guilford Technical Community College may lease at private sale to GTCC Innovative Resources Corporation or its successor in interest a portion of its land and improvements now or hereafter located on the Donald W. Cameron Campus of Guilford Technical Community College. The terms and conditions of the lease shall be set by the board of trustees of Guilford Technical Community College and may include rental at less than fair market value. The lease shall not be subject to the prior approval of the State Board of Community Colleges."
SECTION 10.9.(b) Section 3 of  S .L. 2011-153 reads as rewritten: "SECTION 3. Notwithstanding G.S. 66-58(a), the personnel and facilities of Guilford Technical Community College may, with the consent of the trustees of the college, be used (i) in support of economic development through the operation of the Donald W. Cameron Campus of Guilford Technical Community College and its companion facilities as an event venue. venue, (ii) by, for, or in connection with GTCC Innovative Resources Corporation, an affiliated nonprofit corporation that is a supporting organization of the college, or its successor in interest, or (iii) for both purposes. Proceeds generated shall be used either to pay the operational costs of the college's facilities, to  support the event venue, or to support the mission of the college."  GUILFORD TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROPERTY LEASE  allow  the personnel and facilities of Guilford Technical Community College, such as the technical campus on Wendover Campus,  be used in support of economic development through the operation of the Donald W. Cameron Campus .  Emphasis added
Rewinding to 1991-92, at bequest of UNC Board of Governors NC Legislature enacted NC GA § 116‑252. Piedmont Triad Graduate Engineering Program in support faculty and graduate students involved in engineering at the campuses of The University of North Carolina.  In doing so UNC Board of Governors rejected a $20 Million dollar NCA&T/UNC-G Engineering and Science Research Center.

Reported in the Media: "but that center [Piedmont Triad Engineering  Research Center] contains no role for  UNCG, which had hoped to get several doctoral level  programs out of a joint engineering and science research center with A&T", emphasis added; "UNCG/A&T proposal had won the enthusiastic  endorsement of top  Greensboro business leaders.  Acting through the Greensboro Development Corp., they last year commissioned a $300,000 study  to determine what areas of research  at UNCG/A&T  center could engage in to the benefit of the Triad economy and its  industries"; and I'm [banker E.S. ``Jim'' Melvin, chairman of the Greensboro Development Corp convinced it  [Research Center] is the thing to do, but we've got to work through the university system, build the case for it and get it high on the board's priority list. That's going to take some time.'' reported Jack Scism  TRIAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER: VIABLE DREAM OR PIE IN THE SKY? , JACK SCISM, Greensboro News & Record - Monday, July 20, 1992 . (emphasis added) [16]
 "Last year, the development corporation proposed the idea of developing a UNCG/A&T Knowledge and Industry Campus, perhaps in southeast Greensboro...This would be the beginning of our version of N.C. State's Centennial Campus." [Ken Mayer, Editorial, UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad, Triad Business Journal Nov 9,1998] ( Ken Mayer former Chairman UNCG BOT 2003-2004 & 2004-2005. 

Their  "Ass-wipes" transforming A&T into the help

Loud and Clear “Harold, we need North Carolina A&T State University to assume a more prominent role in helping to positioning our region to become more economic competitive. I want to reassure business leaders I heard them the loud and clear” , said NC A&T Chancellor Harold Martin at his 2009 inauguration  Video
 NC A&T Board of Trustee Graduate Enrollment update 04/30/21 Meeting Material indicate NC A&T College of Health and Human Sciences is Managed by UNC Greensboro .
Reported in the Media: Last month, the members [Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce] came up with a recommendation: a Knowledge Campus, " more commonly known as a research park. this campus would house N.C. A&T's and UNC-G's flagship research programs, like engineering and biotechnology" There, cutting-edge research could be spun off into startup businesses and lure exiting ones from other parts of the nation. Young people would flock to Greensboro for a shot at high-paying, high-tech jobs with a real future.  Emphasis added. Could Greensboro Support Research Park? News & Record Oct.19.1997 Beth McMurtrie.
In  2003 Chancellor Renick was President of the Greensboro Merchants Association and on Greater Greensboro Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.   NCA&T Board of Trustees minutes allege, February 19, 2003, NC A&T Chancellor Renick stated that he wanted to make the Board aware of a potential real estate opportunity based on a collaborative arrangement with UNC-Greensboro regarding the North Carolina School for the Deaf- a property that has been vacated. The Chancellor indicated that a proposal has been submitted to the Department of Administration to craft a partnership between the two universities   Conversations between the two Chancellors and Provosts have been ongoing to work out the logistics.

Greensboro City's Greensboro Connections 2025 Comprehensive Plan was adopted May 2003.  A key principle of the Comprehensive Plan is to promote economic development in historically under-served parts of the City such as East Greensboro. Properties in these areas should receive priority consideration as the City designates and promotes land for economic development. The NCA&TSU Farm site is one such candidate.  7D.3 Promote economic development through public/private partnerships to include government, economic development agencies, educational and health care institutions, and businesses. Build on existing partnerships and initiatives in this effort. Examples include:

University-related research and development opportunities with UNCG and NCA&TSU (building on the example of the Nussbaum Center incubator facility)[ One of their primary tasks will be keeping tabs on research at the two universities, in areas such as engineering and sciences, that might have commercial uses. They will look for existing companies that could benefit from that research and explore the potential of using it to create start-up businesses.][1]

Work with NCA&TSU to establish a research park on the A&T farm property, [NCA&T Farmland is located in Guilford County not Greensboro City

A Millennial Campus is Real Property designated by UNC Board of Governors pursuant NCGS116-198.34 (8b) ....of a constituent institution, to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a Millennial Campus" of the institution...Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meets the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. § 116-198.34. General Powers of Board of Governors.  (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees. Emphasis added

The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina .... GS 116-198.34(4b). (2000)
Notwithstanding NCA&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
UNC Board of Governors Committee for Budget and Finance July 2003  recommend Law 2003-2984,Section 6.20 Transfer of Land for the Millennium Campuses of UNC Greensboro and NC A&T State University.
Recommended by Chancellors Renick and Sullivan, NC A&T and UNC-G Board of Trustees duplicate Resolutions: In Support of The Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus between NC A&T and UNCG, dated Aug. 22, 2003,  and Aug. 28, 2003,  calling  for seeking designation of Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf real estate, transferred to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus.

Universities Chancellors Dr. Patricia Sullivan and Dr. James Renick signed off on Articles of Incorporation of Nonprofit Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, as Natural persons, August 6, 2003, over 18 years old. NCA&T and UNCG Chancellors, etc.   Sept. 23rd, 2003, announced a two campus Joint Millennial Campus called the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofit Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, were filed Oct. 30, 2003. UNCG Counsel Skip Capone was listed as Enrolled Agent and the Address of Corporations was UNCG (1000 Spring Garden St.)   The Business Journal (Triad) alleged "UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan and NC A&T Chancellor James Renick will announce initial plans for the 75- acre North Carolina School for the Deaf.  Instead News Reports and web posting indicate Sept. 23rd, 2003, NC A&T and UNCG Chancellors Renick and Sullivan announced a proposed two site Joint Millennial Campus called the Greensboro Center for Innovative Developmenconsisting of a North and South Campus. The North Campus was to consist of land and facilities that constituted the former School of the Deaf transferred to UNC-Board of Governor to establish Millennial Campuses. The South campus was purported to consist of 75 acres of NC A&T farmland. [see UNCG, N.C. A&T to Develop Joint Millennial Campus.]
Reported in the media ""with top administrators from both schools gathered in private meetings over the summer, A&T Chancellor Jim Renick decided to put a portion of the Aggie farm in play. Emphasis added.  "When we got more into the discussions about the deaf school property, it seemed like an incredibly powerful moment to extend the conversation," he says. " * *""Once we became aware of the opportunities for the deaf school and started talking about working together on that, it became clear that we needed to think beyond just that location," says UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan. [ Triad Talk New leaders on economic front Justin Catanoso , The Business Journal, Sep 29, 2003.] [A&T Photo (s)] emphasis added.
Renick went rogue proposing NC A&T farmland as part of  Joint Millennial Campus proposal, which  was not binding without Board of Trustees approval
NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres of land along East Lee Street to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology ,agricultural research and its students. NC A&T Board of Trustees is legally responsible for developing the University Master Plan and has authority and responsibility for the adoption of policies applicable to and the control and supervision of campus facilities:
  • Trustees shall be responsible to the Board of Governors for preparing and maintaining a master plan for the physical development of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), NC A&T Bylaws J. Property and Buildings.
  • Pursuant to applicable provisions of state law and policies of the Board of Governors, the boards of trustees of affected constituent institutions shall have authority and responsibility for the adoption of policies applicable to and the control and supervision of campus facilities [G.S. 116-35], Appendix 1 - DELEGATIONS OF DUTY AND AUTHORITY TO BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, The UNC Policy Manual ,Chapter 100.1 - The Code, XVI. AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES, UTILITIES AND MISCELLANEOUS FACILITIES
"I think for the next 50 years, A&T and the engineering programs and science programs are going to be an integral part and a driving force in the economic development of the community,'' said Greensboro attorney Jim Phillips Jr., a member of the UNC Board of Governors"[2] 
Published as "the most plugged-in attorney in North Carolina", minutes claim  City of Greensboro Lobbyist, Greensboro Attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr.,  Committee Budget and Finance Chair speaking before Board of Governors stated that the Boards of Trustees at North Carolina A&T State University and 
Video Video Lease
the University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested that the land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75 - acre  parcel of land currently

comprising a portion of the  North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a Joint Millennial Campus, alleged approved Oct. 10, 2003, at Appalachian State.  

"This tract of land is part of the Seventy Five acres we carved out for Gateway University Research Park." said Chancellor Martin  Video
Negotiation began in 2002 and September 2004 NC A&T State University celebrated the sighing of Memorandum of Understanding  with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the opening of the National Resources Conservation Services Eastern Regional Technology Center whose service area consisted of 24 states and the Caribbean area. The Greensboro Center was also home to the remote sensing lab.  The Memorandum of Understanding says A&T has a working farm with modern facilities and farm equipment. NRCS will benefit from the use of this farm by  being able to provide hands-on training to NRCS employees. NRCS can sponsor field studies that can serve as demonstrations to both NRCS trainees and also local
and regional farmers. A&T constituents will also benefit from this type of applied investigation. Finally, A&T faculty and students can also benefit academically by conducting scholarly research and publishing this information.
Request for Proposals by Gateway University Research Park for Construction The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering- dated Sept. 1, 2004

Project Overview: 
The JSNN will support established research programs with faculty from the two universities and will have its own faculty lines as well. The primary goal of the school is to be a world leader in research, nano-related education, and outreach. The JSNN will promote Research goals, Education goals, and Outreach goals. To meet these goals, the JSNN will require specialized, state-of-the-art industrial quality research space. These will include laboratories for life sciences, engineering, materials science and other spaces requiring tightly controlled environments.  

Historical Black Land Grant NC A&T was listed as University focus on Nanotechnology May 2005.
Cross town Historical White UNC Greensboro was not listed as a University focused on Nanotechnology and Gateway Research Park did not exist.

The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) responsible for collecting and presenting statistical data and information for the nation; classifies Nanoscience and Nanoengineering as Nanotechnology CIP 15.1601: Engineering technologies and Engineering related fields.

Nanotechnology.  Definition: A program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles and technical skills to manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular level (in the range of 1-100 nanometers) and to design, fabricate, and integrate nanoscale structures, devices, and systems. Includes instruction in materials science, thermodynamics, nanomaterials, Nano electronics, and nano/micro device fabrication and testing. []
NCA&T was 4th in Nanotechnology Research at North Carolina Universities with $11 Million Dollars between 2000-2005. In 2003 A&T, NATO Sponsor Material Symposium in Ukraine.

PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05


The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2003-2004 Profile


The constituent university where the Project will be constructed:

Gateway University Research Park, South Campus
2900 East Lee Street Greensboro, NC 27401

Note: In 2003 Gateway University Research Park didn't exits. The Greensboro Center for Innovative Development would change its name in 2006 to Gateway University Research Park, Inc.
Note: SACS-COC Policy Statement: Separate Accreditation for extended units of a Member institution. For Units of a Member Institution extended unit to be eligible for accreditation as a separate institution it must offer a degree and separate from the main campus. Procedure for an Extended Unit Seeking Separate Accreditation  (.1) Application for Membership, including all documentation required to demonstrate compliance with Core Requirements 2.1- 2.11,  [2.1 The institution has degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agency or agencies. (Degree-granting Authority).
NCGS § 116-198.34....Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meets the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. 
Public Record Reply from UNC-Greensboro for statutory required request to establish a Joint Millennial Campus produced alleged Chancellors signed
Document dated Aug. 22nd, 2003.  Alleged Chancellors signed document stated: "we are pleased to inform you that this proposal has been approved by both of our Boards of Trustees and is supported by local community leaders and organizations including Action Greensboro. Copies of the Resolutions passed by the N.C. A&T State University Board of Trustees on August 22, 2003 and by The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Board of Trustees on August 22, 2003 are enclosed. Emphasis added
Recommended by Chancellors Renick and Sullivan, NC A&T and UNC-G Board of Trustees duplicate Resolutions: In Support of The Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus between NC A&T and UNCG, dated Aug. 22, 2003, and  Aug. 28, 2003, called for seeking designation of Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf real estate, transferred to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus. Universities' resolutions seek designation of Joint Millennial without a syllable pertaining to a 75-acre parcel of NCA&T farmland, statutory foreclosed Greensboro attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr. alleged NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus inclusive of NC A&T Farmland.
Media Propaganda/Fake News: Greensboro News & Record " A&T has offered up a portion of its 600-acre farm for the research park" ..."Board of Governors could give permission  as soon as next month [Oct.] on the proposal to turn over the center's operations to a board of directors." [JOHN NEWSOM, .A&T, UNCG UNVEIL PLANS FOR JOINT CAMPUSES Greensboro News & Record (NC) , September 24, 2003 ]
Universities Chancellors Dr. Patricia Sullivan and Dr. James Renick signed off on Articles of Incorporation of Nonprofit Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, as Natural persons, August 6, 2003, over 18 years old. NCA&T and UNCG Chancellors, etc.
UNCG and alleged NCA&T Universities   Resolution : In Support of the Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus calling for creation of a nonprofit to management the Joint millennial Campus and be designated to accept transfer of the North Carolina School for the Deaf from the UNC Board of Governors.  

UNC System and constituent institutions in 2003 didn’t have the authority to establish university related Corporation.   
UNC-G attorney Lucien Capone in document dated 09/07/2006 to stated: Statue authorizing creation of nonprofit NCGS § 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 ) provides The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall encourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and The University System, approximate  two years after universities 2003 resolution.  Universities’ Resolutions called for establishing nonprofit corporation to be created for management of the Joint Millennial Campus and be the entity designated to accept transfer of the North Carolina School for the Deaf from the UNC Board of Governors- would be dead on arrival- if submitted.
Alleged Aug. 22nd, 2003 NC A&T Board of trustees  Resolution : In Support of the Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus between NC A&T and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro maybe bogus.

NC A&T Attorney Lesley A. Renwick alleged , August 09, 2003, email to Carolyn Meyers says " Attached you will find documents shared between Skip Capone (UNC-G Atty.) and
 I for our Boards of Trustees regarding the creation of the Joint Millennial Campus.  I understand that the Chancellors and Provosts have already approved the Articles.  NC A&T Attorney  Lesley A. Renwick alleged email indicate documents would be presented at September board of trustees meeting not August 23, 2003 Board of Trustee's Retreat.
Dr. Gerald L. Truesdale and Dr. Velma Speight-Buford certified alleged  August 22, 2003 NC A&T Board of Trustees resolution  as Vice Chair and Secretary of the Board of Trustees.  NC A&T State Audit Report Ended June 30, 2003  lists  Ralph K. Shelton as  Chairman and Dr. Velma R. Speight as Vice Chairman.   University publications A&T Today Volume 6, Number 1, Fall 2002 and  Volume 5, Number 2, WINTER 2002 concur with the State Audit report listings  Ralph K. Shelton as Chairman, Dr. Velma R. Speight as Vice Chairman and Gerald Truesdale-Secretary.
Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)  NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed  by Board of Governors  to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland.  link

North Carolina A & T State University
Staff Senate
Full Body Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 24, 2009@ 2:00 pm in Merrick Hall Auditorium

Draft Minutes for NCA&T Full Body Meeting Sept. 24, 2009  Minutes allege Chancellor Martin said We gave up 75acres of the Farm.
Lea E. Williams, email dated August 5, 2009 to Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, Commission on Colleges, SACS alleged JSNN will be housed at the Gateway University Research Park South Campus, 2901 E. Lee Street, Greensboro, N.C. 27401. This venue is on the land that was formerly part of the North Carolina A7AT State University farm. (See attached memo from Dr. Lea Williams dated March 16, 2009.) 

Millions of Taxpayer dollars would flow through UNC Committee Budget and Finance, approved by full UNC Board of Governors, and funded by the Legislature for non-existing  bogus NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) NC. A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.
The Millennial Campus statue required an expressed determination universities had the fiscal capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus. Five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommended Supplemental Expansion Budget Requests 2004-05, $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property, and pay for telephone and high speed networking, [SL 2004 -124.]
And another $10 Million dollars for land acquisition, site preparation, and engineering, architectural and other consulting services for facilities for development of the Joint Millennial Campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, non-existing Joint Millennial Campus. [Session Law 2004-179]
Session Law 2004-124 ratified July 20, 2004, appropriated $4,000,000 to an UNC-Greensboro and NCA&T Millennium Campus.  SESSION LAW 2004-179 ratified August 5th, 2004 approved $10,000,000 Certificate of Participation for UNC-G/NC AT land acquisition, site preparation, Joint Millennial Campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Proposed Lease was smoking Gun No statuary NCGS: 116-198.34.(8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 by UNC Board of Governors for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities, and 75-acre parcel of NCA&T Farmland.
[The information in this article is for general informational  and context purposes only and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.]
UNC Constituent Universities and General Administration may acquire or dispose of property by lease. (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees. All real property transactions that require approval beyond the campus level are to be initiated by submission of the Form PO-1 for acquisitions and the Form PO-2 for dispositions to the State Property Office.

UNC System and constituent institutions in 2003 didn’t have the authority to establish university related Corporation.   
UNC-G attorney Lucien Capone in document dated 09/07/2006 to stated: Statue authorizing creation of nonprofit NCGS § 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 ) provides The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall encourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and The University System, approximate  two years after universities 2003 resolution.  Universities’ Resolutions called for establishing nonprofit corporation to be created for management of the Joint Millennial Campus and be the entity designated to accept transfer of the North Carolina School for the Deaf from the UNC Board of Governors- would be dead on arrival- if submitted.

N.C. G. S. 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 )  Establishment of private, Nonprofit Corporations

 August 2003 University chancellors didn’t have the authority to establish University related nonprofit corporations.    UNC-G attorney Lucien Capone in document dated 09/07/2006 to stated: Statue authorizing creation of nonprofit G. S. 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 ) provides The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall encourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and The University System, two years after universities 2003 resolution.  
2005, members of the Guilford County Legislative Delegation, Senate Appropriations Chair Kay Hagen and House Appropriations (Big) Chair Maggie Jeffus co-sponsored identical “forerunners legislation of G. S. 116-30.20.  N.C. G. S. 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22)  Establishment of private, Nonprofit Corporations
The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall encourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the constituent . institution of The University of North Carolina and The University System.
N.C. G. S. 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 ) Establishment of private, Nonprofit Corporations
The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall encourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the constituent institution of The University of North Carolina and The University System. The President of The University of North Carolina and the chancellors of the Constituent institutions may assign employees to assist with the establishment and operation of a nonprofit corporation and may make available to the corporation office space, equipment, supplies, and other related resources, provided, the sole purpose of the corporation is to support The University of North Caroline or one or more of its constituent institutions.

[The information in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.]

Article IX Sec. 9. of the NC Constitution of the State declares: The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of The University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.   The statue does not define what constitute "support" therefore arbitrary, capricious and vague.  In addition statue does not require cost vs. benefit determination (as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.)

N.C. G. S. 116-30.20 (2005-276,s.9.22 ) which  does not require cost vs. benefit determination (as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.) maybe NC unconstitutional.
As directed by UNC General Administration, all University affiliated organizations meeting the appropriate defining criteria must have a signed MOU in place with the Universities. Working with University counsel and counsel for Gateway, an MOU document was created and executed between the parties.

 In order to formalize the relationship between the entities (Gateway and the two Universities), it was determined that it would be helpful to create a contract that outlined the responsibilities of the parties as it relates to management and development of the Research Park. A Management Services and Development Agreement (MSDA) was created by counsel for all parties in conjunction with each University’s Office of Business Affairs. The document was first approved by each Chancellor and was then approved by each Board of Trustees.

Once the MSDA and Ground Lease were in place, Gateway worked with each University’s Office of Business Affairs and the Finance staff at General Administration to identify a “grant” mechanism to allow Gateway University Research Park, Inc. to act as the agent for the Universities in developing the Research Park. Using forms recommended by the State Office of Budget and Management, two grants were executed allowing Gateway to perform renovations at the North Campus and infrastructure at the South Campus. Before any of the funds were transferred to Gateway, the State Budget Office agreed that this mechanism was appropriate.  Source Gateway University Research Park, Inc. UNCG Academic Affairs Annual Report AY 2007/08

Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG was considered before UNCG Board of Trustee's Business Affairs Committee. Tom Ross moved to approve the recommendation leasing Identified JMC. William Pratt seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved for recommendation to the full Board.
Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T, was considered by UNCG Board of Trustees. Action item background information timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 didn't indicated  JMC  was designed by UNC BOG.
Action Item background information says " in order to facilitate the GCID ability to perform its role as managed/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC by university counsels, GCID, and General Administration,  emphasis added.
Action item background information:
  • Timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 does not  indicated  JMC  was designed by UNC BOG,
  • In order to facilitate GCID ability to perform its role as manager/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC,
  • Properties Identified as the JMC consist of owned by the State of North Carolina ( Approximately 75 acres at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and  75 acres adjacent to the NC A&T farm, and
  • This document has also been reviewed by the Office of the President [ Erskine Bowles Office]
The Identified JMC property consisted of  land owned by the State of North Carolina (Approximately 75 acres with 142,000 square feet of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and approximately 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm).... which unambiguous constitute the UNC Board of  Governors alleged Oct. 10, 2003 designated NCA&T/UNC-G Millennial Campus, emphasis added.  Lease Background said " This document has also been reviewed by the Office of the President (Bowles)."
John R. Merrill, Executive Director Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, e-mail to Tommy Cline, dated Feb. 10, 2006 Subject UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus said: A couple of months ago, I mentioned we were working on a ground lease for the UNCG/NCA&T Joint Millennial Campus here in Greensboro (the former Central North Carolina 
School for the Deaf and a similar size parcel adjacent to the NC A&T  farm property). We have completed the "draft" and it has been accepted by Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (GCID) Board of Directors( January 31, 2006) and the UNCG Board of Trustees (February 2, 2006). We present it to the NCA&T Board of Trustees on February 15, 2006 and we are confident it will be approved. Upon approval, it will go to the UNC Board of Governors for their approval and then it will formally come to the State Property Office for review. " "I wanted to get a copy to you in advance for your convenience...attached is that copy." "Please note the document was crafted with counsel for both universities (Skip Capone and Camile Kluttz-Leach), the GCID (Lee Lloyd and Bo Rodenbough), and the UNC System (Leslie Winner and Rob Nelson..." (emphasis added) [SPO -PRR] John R. Merrill Feb 10, 2006 email to Tommy Cline Subject Ground Lease - UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus.
Draft Lease Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina.  Land 1.1.3  The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus" homonymic terminology consistent Chancellor Sullivan and Renick Sept. 24, 2006 proposed Joint Millennial Campus and Board of Governors alleged Oct. 10, 2003 designated JMC obfuscated lease real estate wasn't statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b) designated JMC
NC A&T Board of  Trustees Table Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T
Allegedly, Mr. Merrill presented  Ground Lease Agreement between the State of North Carolina and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (GCID), Feb. 15, 2006 seeking approval of the Ground Lease by the Board so that GCID can be granted control of the two millennial campus properties as the development moves forward Documents presented to the Board of Trustees when considering was Ground Lease Agreement and Resolutions : In Support of the Creation of a Joint Millennial Campus between NC A&T and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro dated Aug. 22, 2003.[ 20120327105608787.pdf]] [NC A&T-PR]. called for joining with UNCG to establish a joint Millennial campus whose real estate consisted of the former School of the Deaf property allocated to the Board of Governors to established a joint Millennial Campus, constituting one property, without a syllable pertaining to additional Real Estate nor 75-acre parcel of land on NC A&T farmland.
Third Regular Board of Trustees Minutes 02/15/06 minutes, Mrs. Bruce made a motion for approval of the Agreement. Dr. McCain then made a substitute motion to delay approval of the Agreement . He intimated that he felt strongly about the Board members needing time to review the before casting their vote. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clements and was carried by majority vote-five members voted in favor of the delay, four members opposed with two members abstaining from the vote.
Chairwoman Speight-Buford February 22, 2006 Memorandum to the Board of Trustees Executive Committee , By majority vote, the Board decided that more time was needed to review the document (Ground Lease Agreement Between the State of North Carolina (Lessor) and the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. (Lessee) for the Joint Millennial Campus of Greensboro, NC.) I announced that I would seek approval of the document by way of the Executive Committee.
NC A&T Board of Trustees table  the Ground lease agreement February 22, 2006 and did not subsequent to the Third Regular scheduled meeting  did not approve the Lease,  legally killing  attempt to lease Identified NCA&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.
Pursuant Public Record Requests for Ground Lease Agreement  approval NCA&T: "As to the request to General Administration to approve the ground lease, Ms. Fails cannot find any transmittal letter, memo, etc."
March 06, 2006 the General Services Administration "GSA" posted notice U.S. Government Intends to Lease Space on the NC A&T Millennial Campus in Greensboro, North Carolina (Solicitation Number: TNCOO75). Response date March 10, 2006.

Leasing agent with the State Property Office Pan  Strickland contacted GCID Executive Director John Merrill in regards to lease forwarded to (Attorney General Office) Tommy Cline via email March 01, 2006
Email from John R. Merrill to Terrance Feravich (UNC-GA) Subject Ground Lease stated: "Following up on the ground lease issue for the GCID.  I have downloaded the PO1 from the state property office and I need to connect with the attorney's for the universities to complete the document (at least to the best of our ability). I realize we're under the gun to get this on the April agenda but what's my deadline.?
Email from John R. Merrill to Terrance Feravich (UNC-GA) Subject Ground Lease  may indicate source of PO1 was the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development ( non-state agency)  rather than UNC System.
 Erskine Bowles UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T
State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.  Proposed Lease unequivocal extinguished  UNC  Board of Governors alleged Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and the  University of North Carolina Greensboro -  false claim  Oct. 10, 2003 designation of  the Central School of the Deaf reallocated to the Board of Governors and 75-acre parcel on NCA&T farmland as Joint Millennial Campus.  video
UNC System General Administration is not a constituent university in the  UNC System. The Millennial Campus Statue does not provide for the The Board of  Governors to designate a General Administration NCGS: 116-198.34. (4b) Joint Millennial Campus.

Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus. 
UNCG, NCA&T, UNC-GA did not have property rights to  identified JMC 
The General Assembly, Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Reallocated Property was to UNC BOG not UNCG, UNC-GA, or NCA&T  which could only be used for Board of Governors designation Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  Neither  UNC Greensboro nor UNC System Office had property rights to a seventy five acre parcel of NC A&T Farm.
No lawful leased was executed  by Board of Governors  to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NCA&T Farmland.
Property Lease of Identified JMC portrayed as lease of  NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)  designated Joint Millennial Campus 
UNC BOG  Committee on Budget and Finance document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro was considered by Budget and Finance committee May 11, 2006.
Feb. 2, 2006 GCID Executive Director John Merrill, UNCG employee, recommended the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina approve Lease Agreement between the GCID and UNCG and NCA&T for property Identified as the Joint Millennial Campus.
Feb. 2, 2006 UNCG Business Affairs Committee minutes allege " the details of the lease were reviewed by Skip Capone for UNCG and Leslie Winner for General Administration".
Feb. 2, 2006  Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina Lease Agreement between the GCID and UNCG and NCA&T for property Identified as the Joint Millennial Campus, claimed this document has also been reviewed by the Office of the President [ Erskine Bowles office].
 May 11, 2006 Meeting Minutes of the Board of Governors Committee on Budget and Finance allege Mr. Merrill presented information in support of the agenda item Lease of Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Agenda Item says: 
  • In October 2003, the Boards of Trustees of North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested, and the Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to
    the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus.
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development,... that would administer the educational, research, and economic development mission off the Joint Millennial Campus.
Allegedly Board member Peter Hans was on Board of  Governors Budget and Finance Committee when Lease of Joint Millennial Campus was approve by committee  and by the full Board of  Governors chaired by Jim Phillips on the Consent Agenda. Lease stated Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG were requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c)(3) entity that would administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial Campus..

Notwithstanding  Erskine Bowles General Administration submission of Acquisition of Real Property PO-1, dated March 13, 2006, to Department of Administration, State Property Office for the purpose to establish Joint Millennial Campus for NCA&T and UNCG; claiming this action has been approved by NCA&T and UNCG Board of Trustees. 

 The Bowles Administration May 2006, recommended approval of UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, containing known false claim:
  • The Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c) (3) entity that will administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial.
UNC Board of Governors May 2006  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus stated:

Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNC-G are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c)(3) entity that will administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial Campus.

Note: GS § 116-36.5. (c) All money received through development of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina as defined by NCGS § 116-198.33(4b), from whatever source, including the net proceeds from the lease or rental of real property on a Millennial Campus, shall be placed in a special, continuing, and nonreverting trust fund having the sole and exclusive use for further development of that Millennial Campus.

Note:  Millennial Campuses are exempt from the Umstead Act which prohibits State government from engaging in the Sale of Goods in competition with citizens of the State.

May 19, 1999, UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan and NC A&T Chancellor Edward Forte had signed Knowledge Based Economic Development An Affiliation Agreement Between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina At Greensboro calling for Creation of a Center and Foundation established as a nonprofit corporation. The affiliation agreement called NC A&T and UNCG to take steps to facilitate the creation of a Foundation for Knowledge Based Economic Development - established as nonprofit corporation - whose purpose will be to receive, hold, and invest private monies, royalties and other non-public grant proceeds which maybe given to or derived from the research and development activities conducted under Knowledge Based Economic Development.

Lease of Joint Millennial Campus implemented Affiliation Agreement’s nonprofit corporation - whose purpose will be to receive, hold, and invest private monies, royalties and other non-public grant proceeds which may be given to or derived from the research and development activities conducted under agreement. 

NCGS: 116-198.34 (8b): upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a Joint Millennial. (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Public Record requests to Erskine Bowles UNC BOG/GA for the statutory requirements to establish the NC A&T/UNCG joint Millennial Campus (JMC) , allegedly made by Committee on Budget and Finance, expressed by Greensboro Attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr. before the Committee and Board of Governors [ Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro- Oct. 10, 2003,]; And  Erskine Bowles Administration Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro - May 2006.

Reply from 
Ms. Joni Worthington
 [Vice President for Communications UNC General Administration] ” we have provided hundreds of pages of documents related to the establishment of the joint campus and joint school. If the requested documents exist, they would be included in the documents we’ve already provided, since I’ve given you everything we have.”  Emphasis added. Notwithstanding hundreds of pages of documents, including multiple copies of the same email,  related to the establishment of the joint campus and joint school UNC BOG/GA didn't produce Board authorization establishing the (NC A&T & UNCG) Joint Millennial Campus and  NCGS § 116-198.34.(8b) statutory requirement/ lease:

•Consultations and recommendations establishing the Joint Millennial Campus;
•Documents the basis for the determination that the campuses had the administrative and fiscal capacity required;
•President Recommendation to establish Joint Millennial campuses;
•NC A&T and UNCG Request to Establish Joint Millennial;
•NCA&T and UNCG Request to Lease alleged Joint Millennial Campus land and facilities to the Greensboro Center for Innovative development, Inc

NCGS: 116-198.34 (8b): upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a Joint Millennial.   (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Certified Public Record Requests to UNC BOG/GA and Universities for documents pertaining to Designation of Millennial Campuses and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus
Replies to public record request for the NCA&T  Board of Trustees request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development.


NCA&T: "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved." determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University.

NCA&T: "As to the request to General Administration to approve the ground lease, Ms. Fails cannot find any transmittal letter, memo, etc." " We wonder if possibly UNCG sent the request on behalf of both universities. General Administration should have whatever was sent to request BOG action." General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

Unambiguous NC A&T Board of Trustees had not Requested:
  • that the land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a joint millennial campus - Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) ;
  • permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. As stated in UNC BOG document Appendix C Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (May 2006) - (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus)
As fraudulent stated by the Erskine Bowles Administration, Jim Phillips, Jr. Committee on Budget and Finance in UNC BOG documents Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) (Oct. 10. 2003) and (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus) (May 2006) which the 32 member unelected UNC Board of Governors approved. See Certified
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG on the consent agenda.
UNC BOG document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro was approved by the Hanna Cage Committee on Budget and Finance; forward to full UNC BOG where it was approved on the consent agenda, and forwarded to be processed by the State Property Office.

Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed by Board of Governors to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus consisting of Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland.  
Expansion of Millennial Campus -The University of North Carolina System Office May 25, 2022 Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus ...The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.  The millennial campus is leased to Gateway Research Park.
UNC System Office  alleged designated 150 acres millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC., which mirror , Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro: land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75 - acre  parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the  North Carolina A&T State University Farm alleged designated as a Joint Millennial Campus Oct. 2003).
Expansion of Millennial Campus (Issue Overview) indicate "the millennial campus is leased to Gateway Research Park, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation which is a joint venture between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro" which mirror Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro May 2006.
Notwithstanding NC A&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  Reallocated Property was to UNC BOG not UNCG, UNC-GA, or NCA&T  which could only be used for Board of Governors designation Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (Gateway Research Park North Campus).
UNC System Office houses the offices of the president and senior administrative staff. This core administrative staff researches, recommends, and executes the policies of the Board of Governors. UNC System Office – UNC System (
Issue Overview did not indicated  authority for  UNC System to designate UNC System Office millennial campus.  UNC Code [600.1.6} Policy on Millennial Campuses does not provide authority for UNC System to designate an UNC System Office millennial campus
NCGS 116- 198.33(4b) (2000) : The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina   Alleged UNC System Office designated millennial campus was not designated by the Board of governors pursuant NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) and not defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b).

UNC System/ State Property Office "Potomac Two Step"

* BOG Meeting Material Graphic
[2] Ribbon Cutting Sets Gateway Project in Motion, The Aggie Report VOLUME EIGHT - NUMBER TWENTY - MAY 25, 2007 ].
[3]  A&T CHANCELLOR PLANS TO RETIRE: FORT: GOALS COMPLETE, Greensboro News & Record - Friday, May 29, 1998 , BETH MCMURTRIE Staff Writer
4] UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
 Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007
[6] Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007
[7] ENGINEERING CENTER PLUGGED Greensboro News & Record - Saturday, December 14, 1991 Author: JUSTIN CATANOSO Staff Writer
[11] Jonnelle Davis (Nano, money No.1 on A&T, UNC-G list News & Record 10.04.2010)
[12] [UNCG Chancellor William E. Moran] [IM BASS UNIVERSITIES LAY CLAIM TO FUTURE - A&T, UNCG EAGER TO BOOST SCIENCE, ENGINEERING PROGRAMS Greensboro News & Record - Sunday, January 27, 1991
[13] Nanobiotechnology Center of Innovation North Carolina Biotechnology Center 20/11/2007
[15] High Research Activity The Scientist
[16]Jack Scism  TRIAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER: VIABLE DREAM OR PIE IN THE SKY? , JACK SCISM, Greensboro News & Record - Monday, July 20, 1992 
[17] [Wilbur Ross forms partnership to invest in nanotech firms Monday, May 23, 2005
[18][UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad Nov 9, 1998, 12:00am EST Ken Mayer Editorial
[19] [2]  UNIVERSITIES TO SIGN RESEARCH Agreement, Greensboro News &Record - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 , Author: TIM THORNTON Staff Writer
 Alleged Dr. Alton Thomas and David H. Perrin signed transmittal to Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, COC dated May 24, 2010
 UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
[26] Kevin Holland, Contracting Officer GSA July 3, 2006 letter to John Merrill. Re: U.S. Department of Agriculture, natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Lease Project, Greensboro , NC
[27] Could Greensboro Support Research Park? News & Record Oct.19.1997 Beth McMurtrie.

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