UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System Office white washed bogus NCAT/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus as alleged UNC System Office Millennial Campus

Michael Pippen 02.06.23

North Carolina Confederate / Trump  Leopard has not changed its spots - Banality of Evil, conceived in bigotry, nourished on the twin fronts of prejudice and injustice, UNC Board of Governors unvarnished  systemic racism and racketeering depriving HBCU NC A&T equal protection of
 "A Promise for the Future By some accounts, nanotechnology is destined to replace much of today's technology. Gateway University Research Park expects to be at the forefront of these new technologies with the creation of a new institution the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)" “Although the degree is in Nanoscience (does not include Nanoengineering) students will be given the opportunity to take relevant courses at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and must be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering."  "JSNN will be housed in a new building to be build and managed by the Gateway University Research Park on the South Joint Millennium Campus under the terms of the existing Management Services and Development Agreement. Fiscal Management.  UNCG will act as the financial manager for JSNN 
beginning in fiscal year "09-'10, using a budget and fiscal management   policies and procedures. JSNN will follow   all UNCG Budget and fiscal management policies and procedures. NC A&T will be designated as the campus responsible for the upkeep of the buildings, but upon receipt of the Building Operation and Maintenance money for JSNN, will transfer the money to Gateway University Research park in accordance with the Management Services and Development Agreement between Gateway, NC A&T and UNCG."

"We are excited to partner with two outstanding universities in N.C. A&T and UNC Greensboro, and their combined research and teaching strengths through JSNN,;”"Nanoengineering faculty are faculty members hired by JSNN with NC A&T as their home institution. Nanoscience faculty are faculty members hired by JSNN with UNCG as their home institution."  ICONS will be co-led by two JSNN professors, Kristen Dellinger, Ph.D., in the Department of Nanoengineering at N.C."
the law: Greensboro Business Organizations working through UNC System Office cannibalizing HBCU NC A&T via de factor NCAT/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus; rebranding A&T academic programs, land, research and facilities as Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering   located at bogus UNC System Millennial campus \aka\ de facto NC A&T\UNC-G Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate Gateway Research Park, Inc, with Liberal Arts PWI UNCG Nanoscience degrees.
WHEREAS, notwithstanding the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution, institutionalized discrimination continued in many parts of the country, with the enactment and enforcement of laws that would come to be known as  Jim Crow that were designed to separate African Americans from their fellow citizens, to suppress and intimidate their exercise of basic rights, as voting, and to frustrate educational opportunities that would create long-term loss of their  personal and economic advancement; [35]
Description of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering indicate the school will be located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the joint millennial campus of NCA&T and UNCG.


NCGS § 116-198.34....Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meets the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. 
NCGS 116- 198.33(4b) (2000) : The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina  
A-4. Expansion of Millennial Campus - The University of North Carolina System Office.
Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president... .   The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus.... The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC
Issue Overview did not indicated  authority for  UNC System to designate UNC System Office millennial campus.  UNC Code [600.1.6] Policy on Millennial Campuses does not provide authority for UNC System to designate an UNC System Office millennial campus.
A-4. Expansion of Millennial Campus - The University of North Carolina System Office. Committee on Budget and Finance May 25, 2022
Expansion of Millennial Campus -The University of North Carolina System Office. The UNC System Office requests approval to expand the Millennial campus designation to include the Spangler Complex which includes two parcels, totaling approximately eight acres, located at 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC. The millennial campus designation currently includes Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC, and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. The millennial campus is approximately 150 acres, and is leased to Gateway Research Park, a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation which is a joint venture between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president... .   The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.    Issue overview did not indicate UNC System Office authority to designate UNC System Office millennial Campus.
NCGS 116-198.34 (8b) does not authorized UNC Board of Governors to expanded alleged UNC System Office Millennial Campus-- Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC, and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. -- to include the eight acres accompanying the Spangler Center; UNC System Office is not an institution of the University of North Carolina as defined by  G.S. 116-198.33(3), being nighter constituent nor affiliate with a millennial campus of the University of North Carolina as defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b). 

NCGS  116-198.33(3)(4) & 116-198.34 (8b)


UNC System Office is not an institution defined by G.S. 198-33(3)
NCGS 116-198.33(3), The word "Institution" shall mean ...constituent institution or affiliated institution of the University of North Carolina with a Millennial Campus defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b) (2020)Emphasis added
GS 116-198.33(). (2020) The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution or affiliated institution of The University of North Carolina ....
The University of North Carolina constituent institutions are Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, UNC Asheville, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, UNC Pembroke, UNC School of the Arts, UNC Wilmington, Western Carolina University, Winston-Salem State University, and North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, listed at  Institutions and Affiliates  https://www.northcarolina.edu/institutions/
The University of  North Carolina Affiliates are UNC Health, PBS North Carolina, The North Carolina Arboretum, The University of North Carolina Press, The North Carolina State Approving Agency (NCSAA), and The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA), listed at Institutions and Affiliates https://www.northcarolina.edu/institutions/
UNC System Office houses the offices of the president and senior administrative staff. This core administrative staff researches, recommends, and executes the policies of the Board of Governors. UNC System Office – UNC System (northcarolina.edu)
Clearly UNC System Office is neither a constituent institution nor  Affiliated Institution of the University of North Carolina as defined by G.S. 98-33(3). The Board of lack authority pursuant NCGS 116-198.34 (8b,) to designate an addition to alleged UNC System Office millennial campus.
Expansion of Millennial Campus was not recommended by the chief executive officer or equivalent executive position for an affiliated institution
Expansion of Millennial Campus- The University  of North Carolina System (" Expansion of Millennial Campus")  Says G.S. 116-198.34 grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president.
Statue G.S. 116-198.34 8(b) reads: Acting on recommendation made by the President after consultation by the President ...with the chief executive officer or equivalent executive position for an affiliated institution,...to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, an affiliated institution as a "Millennial Campus of the institution, emphasis added
Statue G, S. 116-198.34(8b) requires President consultation  with the chief executive officer or equivalent executive position for an affiliated institution, prior to recommendation by the President which  Expansion of Millennial Campus document  did not demonstrate.  A requirement that may indicate UNC System was not envisioned as an affiant institution. 
UNC System Office does not have a Millennial Campus defined by  G.S. 116-198.33(4b).
Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president... .   The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  if requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.    Issue overview did not indicate UNC System Office authority to designate UNC System Office millennial Campus.
NCGS 116- 198.33(4b) (2020) : The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution or affiliated institution of The University of North Carolina ....  Issue overview indicate The UNC System Office has previously designate  150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.   Alleged UNC System Office designated millennial campus was not designated by the Board of Governors therefore not defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b).  Board of  Governors lack authority pursuant NCGS 116-198.34 (8b,) to designate expansion of  alleged UNC System Office millennial campus without an millennial campus defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b).
Draft minutes for UNC Board of Governors Committee on Budget and Finance meeting May 25, 2022, alleged Chief Operating Officer Michael Vollmer and Ms. Haygood provided a presentation on the request expansion of the UNC system Office millennial campus to include the eight acres accompanying the Spangler Center located in Chapel Hill.
The requested expansion of the UNC system Office millennial campus  was approved by committee and forward to the Board of  Governors for approval on the consent agenda.
Sept 21, 2022 Expansion of Millennial Campus - the UNC System Office
Agenda Item A-6 Expansion of Millennial Campus - the UNC System Office was considered by the Board of Governor. Background indicated the Millennial Campus designation currently Includes Gateway Research Park- North Campus in Brown Summit, NC: Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC; and the Spangler Complex in Chapel NC.  Mixing alleged UNC System Office designate Gateway Research Park- North Campus in Brown Summit, NC: Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, N.C.; with Board of Governor non-compliant with NCGS 116-198.33(3) & NCGS 116-198.34 (8b) designated UNC System Office Millennial Expansion .
NCGS 116-198.34 (8b) does not authorized UNC Board of Governors to expanded alleged UNC System Office Millennial Campus to include property in Research Triangle Park,totaling approximately 111 acres, located at 10 T.W. Alexander Road, Durham, North Carolina. UNC System Office is not an institution of the University of North Carolina as defined by  G.S. 116-198.33(3), being nighter constituent nor affiliate with a millennial campus of the University of North Carolina as defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b). 

Sept 21, 2022 Draft Minutes indicated Expansion of UNC System Office Millennial Campus passed by  Budget and Finance Committee and was placed on  Consent Agenda before the Board, where full Board Minutes indicated Expansion of Millennial Campus was passed on Consent agenda.
UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System Office white washed bogus NCAT/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus as alleged UNC System Office Millennial Campus

Expansion of Millennial Campus -The University of North Carolina System Office May 25, 2022 The UNC System Office requests approval to expand the Millennial campus designation to include the Spangler Complex which includes two parcels, totaling approximately eight acres, located at 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC. The millennial campus designation currently includes Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC, and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. The millennial campus is approximately 150 acres, and is leased to Gateway Research Park, a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation which is a joint venture between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.

Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus ...The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.  The millennial campus is leased to Gateway Research Park.
UNC System Office houses the offices of the president and senior administrative staff. This core administrative staff researches, recommends, and executes the policies of the Board of Governors. UNC System Office – UNC System (northcarolina.edu)
A Millennial Campus is Real Property designated by UNC Board of Governors pursuant NCGS116-198.34 (8b) ....of a constituent institution, to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a Millennial Campus" of the institution...Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meets the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. § 116-198.34. General Powers of Board of Governors.  (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees. Emphasis added

The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina .... GS 116-198.34(4b). (2000)
Issue Overview did not indicated  authority for  UNC System to designate UNC System Office millennial campus.  UNC Code [600.1.6} Policy on Millennial Campuses does not provide authority for UNC System to designate an UNC System Office millennial campus.
UNC System Office  alleged designated 150 acres millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC., which mirror , Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro: land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75 - acre  parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the  North Carolina A&T State University Farm alleged designated as a Joint Millennial Campus Oct. 2003).
Expansion of Millennial Campus (Issue Overview) indicate "the millennial campus is leased to Gateway Research Park, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation which is a joint venture between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro" which mirror Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro May 2006.

HBCU  institution North Carolina A&T, one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs throughthe doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies.  “ The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services”.  NC A&T's 2001 amend University Master Plan called for developing 75 acres  of land along East Lee Street targeted to develop new opportunities for both research and education in both the private and academic arenas between the University's technology and agricultural research and its students, which didn't include across-town historical white UNC Greensboro and its members of the Greensboro business community.
Negotiation began in 2002 and September 2004 NC A&T State University celebrated the sighing of Memorandum of Understanding  with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the opening of the National Resources Conservation Services Eastern Regional Technology Center whose service area consisted of 24 states and the Caribbean area. The Greensboro Center was also home to the remote sensing lab.  The Memorandum of Understanding says A&T has a working farm with modern facilities and farm equipment. NRCS will benefit from the use of this farm by  being able to provide hands-on training to NRCS employees. NRCS can sponsor field studies that can serve as demonstrations to both NRCS trainees and also local
and regional farmers. A&T constituents will also benefit from this type of applied investigation. Finally, A&T faculty and students can also benefit academically by conducting scholarly research and publishing this information.
Notwithstanding NCA&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
NCGS: 116-198.34 (8b): upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a Joint Millennial. (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Published as "the most plugged-in attorney in North Carolina",  northcarolina.edu minutes claim  City of Greensboro Lobbyist, Greensboro Attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr.,  Committee Budget and Finance Chair speaking before Board of Governors stated that the Boards of Trustees at North Carolina A&T State University and 
Video Link  Link
the University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested that the land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75 - acre  parcel of land currently

comprising a portion of the  North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a Joint Millennial Campus, alleged approved Oct. 10, 2003, at Appalachian State.

Proposed Lease was smoking Gun No statuary NCGS: 116-198.34.(8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 by UNC Board of Governors for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities, and 75-acre parcel of NCA&T Farmland.
 Erskine Bowles UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T
State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.  Proposed Lease unequivocal extinguished  UNC  Board of Governors alleged Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and the  University of North Carolina Greensboro -  false claim  Oct. 10, 2003 designation of  the Central School of the Deaf reallocated to the Board of Governors and 75-acre parcel on NCA&T farmland as Joint Millennial Campus.  video

Notwithstanding  Erskine Bowles General Administration submission of Acquisition of Real Property PO-1, dated March 16, 2006, to Department of Administration, State Property Office for the purpose to establish Joint Millennial Campus for NCA&T and UNCG; claiming this action has been approved by NCA&T and UNCG Board of Trustees. 

 The Bowles Administration May 2006, recommended approval of UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, containing known false claim:
  • The Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c) (3) entity that will administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial.
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG on the consent agenda.
NCGS: 116-198.34 (8b): upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a Joint Millennial. (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Public Record requests to Erskine Bowles UNC BOG/GA for the statutory requirements to establish the NC A&T/UNCG joint Millennial Campus (JMC) , allegedly made by Committee on Budget and Finance, expressed by Greensboro Attorney Jim W. Phillips, Jr. before the Committee and Board of Governors [ Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro- Oct. 10, 2003,]; And  Erskine Bowles Administration Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro - May 2006.
Reply from Ms. Joni Worthington [Vice President for Communications UNC General Administration] ” we have provided hundreds of pages of documents related to the establishment of the joint campus and joint school. If the requested documents exist, they would be included in the documents we’ve already provided, since I’ve given you everything we have.”  Emphasis added. Notwithstanding hundreds of pages of documents, including multiple copies of the same email,  related to the establishment of the joint campus and joint school UNC BOG/GA didn't produce Board authorization establishing the (NC A&T & UNCG) Joint Millennial Campus and  NCGS § 116-198.34.(8b) statutory requirement/ lease:

•Consultations and recommendations establishing the Joint Millennial Campus;
•Documents the basis for the determination that the campuses had the administrative and fiscal capacity required;
•President Recommendation to establish Joint Millennial campuses;
•NC A&T and UNCG Request to Establish Joint Millennial;
•NCA&T and UNCG Request to Lease alleged Joint Millennial Campus land and facilities to the Greensboro Center for Innovative development, Inc.

Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b)NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10, 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed  by Board of Governors  to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland.  Link

Crony Capitalism/Grand Theft/ False Claim & Pretense

Millions of Taxpayer dollars would flow through UNC Committee Budget and Finance, approved by full UNC Board of Governors, and funded by the Legislature for non-existing  bogus NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) NC. A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.
The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campuses Financing Act. § 116-198.31. Purpose of Article.
The purpose of this Article is to authorize the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina to issue revenue bonds, payable from any leases, rentals, charges,  fees, and other revenues but with no pledge of taxes or the faith and credit of the State or any agency or political subdivision thereof, to pay the cost, in whole or part, of  buildings, structures, or other facilities for the Centennial Campus, located at North Carolina State University at Raleigh, for the Horace Williams Campus located at the  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and for any Millennial Campus as defined by NCGS 116-198.33(4b). (1987, c. 336, s. 1; 1999-234, s. 3; 2000-177, ss. 3, 4.)   Emphasis added
NCGS § 116-198.34. (8b)
...designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a "Millennial Campus" has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus...

The Millennial Campus statue required an expressed determination universities had the fiscal capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus. Five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommended Supplemental Expansion Budget Requests 2004-05, $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property, and pay for telephone and high speed networking, [SL 2004 -124.]
And another $10 Million dollars for land acquisition, site preparation, and engineering, architectural and other consulting services for facilities for development of the Joint Millennial Campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, non-existing Joint Millennial Campus. [Session Law 2004-179]
Session Law 2004-124 ratified July 20, 2004, appropriated $4,000,000 to an UNC-Greensboro and NCA&T Millennium Campus.  SESSION LAW 2004-179 ratified August 5th, 2004 approved $10,000,000 Certificate of Participation for UNC-G/NC AT land acquisition, site preparation, Joint Millennial Campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

With significant support from the Greensboro Partnership, during the 2007 legislative session, Gateway University Research Park, Inc. was awarded $58 million ($5 million as an appropriation and $53 million in COP's) for the construction of an approximately 100, 000 square foot facility for the newly created Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN). [UNC-G Cornerstones, Table CS 4-2 Gateway University Research Park, Inc. Academic Affairs Annual Report AY 2007/08P34].
The [UNC-G] Associate Provost for Research and Partnerships serves on the Government Relations council for the Greensboro Partnership and through this role contributed to the lobbying efforts with the state legislators for funding for the Joint School of  Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. The College [College of Arts and Sciences] was a central player in the continuing work to establish the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering with NCA&T University. Degrees or programs being considered for the future· MS in Nanoscience and Ph.D. in Nanoscience. [UNC-G Curricular Planning, Academic Affairs Annual Report AY 2007/08]
Bowles contacted David McCoy State Budget Officers,  Office of Management and Budget pursuant  funding to Gateway Research Inc.
State Construction Laws Were Amended Based on Fraudulent Allegation Gateway Research Park was a Joint Millennial Campus


Clearly, UNC Board of Governors' bogus alleged NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus designation, killed NCA&T University Millennial  at (NC A&T Farm) 2900 East Lee Street Greensboro, NC; forced HBCU NC A&T  into a shotgun  bogus Joint Millennial Campus  with across town HWI UNC-Greensboro.
Received pursuant Public Request from State Property Office  was Greensboro Center for Innovative Development timeline.

Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, alleged Joint Millennial Campus, Development timeline, received from the State Property Office,  from Feb-03 to April-06 does not indicated designation of NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus Oct. 10, 2003.  link
Mr. John R. Merrill, Executive Director of Gateway Research Park-renamed Greensboro Center for Innovative Development- in a letter dated March 22, 2007 claimed" The original basis for the creation of a joint NCA&T and UNCG Millennial Campus, now called the Gateway University Research Park to Mr. Jim Lora, Office of State Budget Management requesting funds authorized by SL  2004-124 for an appropriation from the General Fund for capital improvements $4,000,000 for the UNC-Greensboro and NC A&T Millennial Campus" be granted" from the University of North Carolina to Gateway for renovations to the former campus of the Central NC School for use as classrooms and offices, as part of a continuous conspiracy to access appropriations designated for non existing NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus by Gateway Research Park.

12.12.15   Email to John Merrill Gateway University Research Park, Inc. Executive Director.


Mr. Merrill my is question, what is the foundation for your statement "Gateway University Research Park is defined as a Joint Millennial Campus"? 

2. Feb. 2nd 2006, UNCG Board of Trustees Action Item :   Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T was consider ; background information indicated the purposed was to pursue a master Lease for properties [Identified] as Joint Millennial Campus by counsel for the universities and GCID.  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  Development Timeline does not indicate designation of Joint Millennial Campus.  Feb. 2nd 2006, UNCG Board of Trustees Action Minutes indicates you were present and participated.

4. UNCG BOT Action Item August 31, 2006, Master Plan for the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, the Joint Millennial campus of UNCG and NC A&T,  Background Information says: In January 2006, a ground Lease was approved and recommended for approval by the Board of Governors of the properties identified as the JMC.  Unambiguous UNCG BOT's recommendation pertained to Ground   Lease to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development was for an identified JMC and not the alleged Board of Governors Oct 2003 approved and designated Joint Millennial Campus , as defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b) as put forth in UNC BOG May 2006 Lease of Joint Millennial Campus.  August 31, 2006, Master Plan for the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development minutes indicates you were present and participated. 

What is the foundation for your statement "Gateway University Research Park is defined as a Joint Millennial Campus"?  Response is requested ASAP.

Michael Pippen


Hello Mr. Pippen,

The most appropriate source to respond to the question you are raising would be the Universities.  Please forward your request to either Mr. Charles Waldrup (cwaldrup@ncat.edu) at NCA&T or Ms. Elizabeth Bunting (ecbuntin@uncg.edu) at UNCG.




Unambiguous no statuary NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) NC A&T/ UNCG Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 2003 enabling  Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc.  to administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of  a Joint Millennial Campus.  No lawful leased was executed  by Board of Governors for G.S. 116-198.33(3) joint millennial Campus,  to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, Inc. for Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland. 

Stop the Steal Pull the Plug

Gateway Research Park Taskforce Robert Pompey Video Report
A-4. Expansion of Millennial Campus - The University of North Carolina System Office. Committee on Budget and Finance May 25, 2022
Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president... .   The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.    Issue overview did not indicate UNC System Office authority to designate UNC System Office millennial Campus.

UNC System Office Public Record documents

Pursuant Public Record laws, request for documents establishing UNC system Office Millennial Campus designation for Gateway-Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. and lease was made (Request 22-23). Timeline was 2006. No document was received pursuant PRR-22-23  indicating establishment of  UNC System Office millennial campus nor authority to do so. No documents indicated NCA&T/UNCG request to establish Joint Millennial Campus inclusive of Session Law 2003-284, Section 6.20, land and facilities and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T Farmland , nor lease of said Joint Millennial Campus.

PRR-22-23 S. L. 2003-284

Notwithstanding NC A&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.    Reallocated Property was to UNC BOG not UNCG, UNC-GA, or NCA&T  which could only be used for Board of Governors designation Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  Neither  UNC Greensboro nor UNC System Office had property rights to a seventy five acre parcel of NC A&T. 

PRR 22-23 Minutes of 5.11.06 - Gateway Research Park

UNC BOG  Committee on Budget and Finance document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro was considered by Budget and Finance committee May 11, 2006.
 May 11, 2006 Meeting Minutes of the Board of Governors Committee on Budget and Finance allege Mr. Merrill presented information in support of the agenda item Lease of Joint Millennial Campus - North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Agenda Item says: 
  • In October 2003, the Boards of Trustees of North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested, and the Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to
    the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus.
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development,... that would administer the educational, research, and economic development mission off the Joint Millennial Campus
Allegedly Board member Peter Hans was on Board of  Governors Budget and Finance Committee when Lease of Joint Millennial Campus was approve by committee  and by the full Board of  Governors chaired by Jim Phillips on the Consent Agenda. Lease stated Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG were requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c)(3) entity that would administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial Campus..

Notwithstanding  Erskine Bowles General Administration submission of Acquisition of Real Property PO-1, dated March 13, 2006, to Department of Administration, State Property Office for the purpose to establish Joint Millennial Campus for NCA&T and UNCG; claiming this action has been approved by NCA&T and UNCG Board of Trustees. 

 The Bowles Administration May 2006, recommended approval of UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina  A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, containing known false claim:
  • The Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Now, the Boards of Trustees of NCA&T and UNCG are requesting permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, a jointly-controlled and jointly-funded 501(c) (3) entity that will administer the educational, research, and economic development mission of the Joint Millennial.
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG on the consent agenda.
UNC BOG document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro was approved by the Hanna Cage Committee on Budget and Finance; forward to full UNC BOG where it was approved on the consent agenda, and forwarded to be processed by the State Property Office.
Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., UNC University Property Officer document addressed to Joseph H. Henderson, Director, State Property Office says Please find attached property actions approved by the Board of Governors at their May 12, 2006 meeting. Other back-up materials including PO-1s and/or PO-2's are also attached where appropriate. Please seek approval of these actions by the Governor and Council of State and the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations if required.  Feravich document enclosure include Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro ( May 2006) .   (Upon the approval of the Board, the University's Associate Vice President for Finance and Property Officer forwards such proposals to the Council of State for final action.)  Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., University Property Officer May 15, 2006 letter to Department of Administration didn't included a Form PO-2 pertain to DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY by Lease for Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  
UNC Constituent Universities and General Administration may acquire or dispose of property by lease. (UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees. All real property transactions that require approval beyond the campus level are to be initiated by submission of the Form PO-1 for acquisitions and the Form PO-2 for dispositions to the State Property Office.
Received from the State Property Office was unsigned Acquisition of Real Property by lease dated March 13, 2006, which said Action recommending the above was taken by the Governing Board of NCA&T and UNCG and is recorded in the minutes thereof on date. (blank).

UNC System March 13, 2006 Acquisition of Real property by lease indicate this property is purpose to establish a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T State University (NCA&T) and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).   Description of  Property. Two parcels: Approximately 75-acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T Farm and Located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly know as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.

(UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Pursuant Public Record Requests no documents were received from the State Property Office ("SPO") indicating the Board of Trustees at NCA&T/UNCG recommended UNC System Acquisition by Lease to established an NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus . Two parcels:  Approximately 75-acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T Farm and Located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly know as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.
The North Campus contains nine major Buildings, including a main administrative
building (16, 22 GSF), two academic/instructional buildings (each 17,031 GSF) two residential structures (each 32, 223 GSF), a gymnasium (15, 270 GSF) maintenance shop (7,603 GSF), greenhouse (5,00GSF) and a central kitchen (4,293 GSF) Other facilities include picnic shelters and small support buildings used for storage. The wooded land area totals 75 acres, less than half of which is currently developed. North Campus buildings are generally in
excellent condition. Source Greensboro Center for Innovative Development main news Releases North Campus South Campus. A&T 75- acre farmland was appraised value was $250,000 per acre.  Source A&T 
The value of the North & South Campus exceed delegated authority UNC-GA therefore requiring Board of  Governors approve acquisition by lease


execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint  Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 and July 2006 though June 30, 2007,  and document received pursuant public records requests indicate UNC System President did not acquire the two parcels approximately 75 acres of property located adjacent  to the NCA&T farm and located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of land and facilities formerly known as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 and July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 did not indicate UNC System acquired land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm, by UNC System delegated authority.  

UNC-GA did not hold or acquire the Central School for the Deaf allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm to  designate as UNC System Office millennial campus or lease to Gateway Research Park, Inc.
UNC System/ State Property Office "Potomac Two Step"
NCGS § 146-28. Agency must file application with Department; Department must investigate. 

Any State agency desiring to sell, lease, or rent any land owned by the State or by any State agency shall file with the Department of Administration an application setting forth the facts relating to the proposed transaction, and shall furnish the Department with such additional information as the Department may request relating thereto. Upon receipt of such application, the Department of Administration shall promptly investigate all aspects of the proposed transaction, including particularly present and future State need for the land proposed to be conveyed, leased, or rented.
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 allegedly pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG, on the consent agenda.
Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., UNC University Property Officer document addressed to Joseph H. Henderson, Director, State Property Office says Please find attached property actions approved by the Board of Governors at their May 12, 2006 meeting. Other back-up materials including PO-1s and/or PO-2's are also attached where appropriate. Please seek approval of these actions by the Governor and Council of State and the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations if required.  Feravich document enclosure include Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro ( May 2006) .   (Upon the approval of the Board, the University's Associate Vice President for Finance and Property Officer forwards such proposals to the Council of State for final action.)  Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., University Property Officer May 15, 2006 letter to Department of Administration didn't included a Form PO-2 pertain to DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY by Lease for Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at
Received from the State Property Office was unsigned Acquisition of Real Property by lease dated March 13, 2006, which said Action recommending the above was taken by the Governing Board of NCA&T and UNCG and is recorded in the minutes thereof on date. (blank).

UNC System March 13, 2006 Acquisition of Real property by lease indicate this property is purpose to establish a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T State University (NCA&T) and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).   Description of  Property. Two parcels: Approximately 75-acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T Farm and Located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly know as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.

(UNC Policy Manual 600.1.3 ). Any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees.
Pursuant Public Record Requests no documents were received from the State Property Office ("SPO") indicating the Board of Trustees at NCA&T/UNCG recommended UNC System Acquisition by Lease to established an NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus . Two parcels:  Approximately 75-acres of property located adjacent to the NCA&T Farm and Located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of property and facilities formerly know as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.
The North Campus contains nine major Buildings, including a main administrative
building (16, 22 GSF), two academic/instructional buildings (each 17,031 GSF) two residential structures (each 32, 223 GSF), a gymnasium (15, 270 GSF) maintenance shop (7,603 GSF), greenhouse (5,00GSF) and a central kitchen (4,293 GSF) Other facilities include picnic shelters and small support buildings used for storage. The wooded land area totals 75 acres, less than half of which is currently developed. North Campus buildings are generally in
excellent condition. Source Greensboro Center for Innovative Development main news Releases North Campus South Campus. A&T 75- acre farmland was appraised value was $250,000 per acre.  Source A&T 
The value of the North & South Campus exceed delegated authority UNC-GA therefore requiring Board of  Governors approve acquisition by lease
The Board of Governors May 12, 2006 pass Lease of Joint Millennial Campus, NCA&T and UNCG on the consent agenda.


execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint  Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 and July 2006 though June 30, 2007,  and document received pursuant public records requests indicate UNC System President did not acquire the two parcels approximately 75 acres of property located adjacent  to the NCA&T farm and located on Lee Street. Approximately 75 acres of land and facilities formerly known as the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 and July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 did not indicate UNC System acquired land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm, by UNC System delegated authority.  

UNC-GA did not hold or acquire the Central School for the Deaf allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm to  designate as UNC System Office millennial campus or lease to Gateway Research Park, Inc.
"I am aware this is a joint project of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University and the  University of North Carolina at Greensboro.."[26]
Negotiation began in 2002 and September 2004 NC A&T State University celebrated the sighing of Memorandum of Understanding  with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the opening of the National Resources Conservation Services Eastern Regional Technology Center whose service area consisted of 24 states and the Caribbean area. The Greensboro Center was also home to the remote sensing lab.  The Memorandum of Understanding says A&T has a working farm with modern facilities and farm equipment. NRCS will benefit from the use of this farm by  being able to provide hands-on training to NRCS employees. NRCS can sponsor field studies that can serve as demonstrations to both NRCS trainees and also local
and regional farmers. A&T constituents will also benefit from this type of applied investigation. Finally, A&T faculty and students can also benefit academically by conducting scholarly research and publishing this information.
GCID John Merrill & NC A&T Renick " It maybe the USDA is our first tenant at the south campus the result of them leasing a long term lease will allow us to build a structure out there" Video Report
John R. Merrill, Executive Director Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, e-mail to Tommy Cline, dated Feb. 10, 2006 Subject UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus said: A couple of months ago, I mentioned we were working on a ground lease for the UNCG/NCA&T Joint Millennial Campus here in Greensboro (the former Central North Carolina 
School for the Deaf and a similar size parcel adjacent to the NC A&T  farm property). We have completed the "draft" and it has been accepted by Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (GCID) Board of Directors( January 31, 2006) and the UNCG Board of Trustees (February 2, 2006). We present it to the NCA&T Board of Trustees on February 15, 2006 and we are confident it will be approved. Upon approval, it will go to the UNC Board of Governors for their approval and then it will formally come to the State Property Office for review. " "I wanted to get a copy to you in advance for your convenience...attached is that copy." "Please note the document was crafted with counsel for both universities (Skip Capone and Camile Kluttz-Leach), the GCID (Lee Lloyd and Bo Rodenbough), and the UNC System (Leslie Winner and Rob Nelson..." (emphasis added) [SPO -PRR] John R. Merrill Feb 10, 2006 email to Tommy Cline Subject Ground Lease - UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus.
Draft Lease Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina.  Land 1.1.3  The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus" homonymic terminology consistent Chancellor Sullivan and Renick Sept. 24, 2006 proposed Joint Millennial Campus and Board of Governors alleged Oct. 10, 2003 designated JMC obfuscated lease real estate wasn't statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b) designated JMC
Leasing agent with the State Property Office Pan  Strickland contacted GCID Executive Director John Merrill in regards to lease forwarded to (Attorney General Office) Tommy Cline via email March 01, 2006.
Kevin Holland, Contracting Officer GSA July 3, 2006 letter to John Merrill.
Re: U.S. Department of Agriculture, natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Lease Project, Greensboro , NC
This correspondence correspondence to your June 30, 2006 inquiry concerning the status of this project as a firm action that will move forward. As I have advised on   numerous occasions and want to reiterate, this particular project is an endeavor which was approved by the U.S. General Services Administration as a

 sole-source" procurement based upon the unique requirements provided by the NRCS...As such, we have been working and are committed to diligently pursing satisfaction of NRCS need for space to be located on the campus of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University through a negotiated lease procurement.  As I am aware this is a joint project of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University  and  the University of  North Carolina at Greensboro. Emphasis added
August 14, 2006 Terrance Feravich email to Joe Henderson, John Webb,  CC Robert Nelson; John Merrill: I was hoping that we might have an opportunity to sit and walk through any hurdles that you see in proposed lease between NCA&T/UNCG joint Millennial Campus and GCID.   Talking with John of Friday.  I've learned that he has gained a significant commitment from the USDA for up to a 50,000 sq. ft. new building.  While they understand that we are working hard at getting things properly set-up for all parties and are being patient, my sense is that it would be in the best interest of this new venture to get that first client off to a healthy and timely start.  I'll be in Raleigh Wednesday for a couple of meetings ... and would welcome the opportunity to work the issues that you are see in the lease.  I know that John Merrill is also pretty flexible this week is well.  Sorry to be a bit of a pest with this important issue and I appreciate your understanding.  

Original Message from Terrance Feravich to john web
cc Robert nelson: John R. Merrill sent August 14, 2005

Joseph Henderson wrote:

We can deal with the new building under our existing procedures. Let's not let the proposed lease get in the way of that.

My view of the proposed lease is that the General Assembly limited the millennial campuses to space leases not exceeding ten years. I was present at the committee meetings and have an understanding of the concerns at that time and why the ten year limit was imposed and the Council of State was kept in the process. I can't support an action (this lease) that circumvents the general assembly's intent. There are number of ways to provide for the effective administration of this campus other that the proposed lease. Emphasis added.

 Letter dated Aug. 16, 2006 from Joseph H. Henderson, Director NC Department of Administration to State Budget Officer David McCoy soliciting input pertaining to Lease stated UNC-General Administration is pressing to move forward with the 50-year lease (the agreement with GCID has already been executed)."

Sandy new lease for Millennial Campus at Greensboro

September 2005 NC A&T Chancellor Renick and UNCG employee, GCID Executive Director John Merrill discuss Jump starting alleged Joint Millennial Campus with a USDA Lease. Public Record Video" It maybe the USDA is our first tenant at the south campus the result of them leasing a long term lease will allow us to build a structure out there" said NC A&T Chancellor Renick.
Prior to Council of  State approval of Lease of  allege Joint Millennial Campus,  Greensboro Center for Innovative Develop John Merrill sign lease to lease space for yet to built facility to USDA on land yet to be leased to GCID, in October 2006.


Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro says: The lease of the land will be accomplished within the guidelines, procedures, and policies of the North Carolina Department of Administration and must be approved by the Council of State.  Prior to approval of  Lease of alleged Joint Millennial Campus  by the council of  State.  The Greensboro Center for Innovative Development claiming to be the NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus signed a 10 year lease for space for the USDA at NC A&T farm prior to approval of the lease by the Council of State.

Go Figure

Erskine Bowles UNC System Acquisition of Real Property by lease P0-1 dated March 13, 2006 for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.

Complex/Name UNC-GA Gateway University Research Park

In accordance with General Statutes 143-341 and 146 State Property Office Maintain a complete and accurate inventory of State owned lands, buildings, and space in buildings.  State Property Office inventory of State-owned lands, buildings, and space in buildings, Public Record Land Lease listing 3-26-2013.pdf did not list Lease of  Joint Millennial Campus, Lessor NC A&T and UNCG, Lessee Greensboro Gateway University Research Park, 5900 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, Guilford County,  Area Joint Millennial Campus.

Complex UNC-GA Gateway University Research Park, Lessor UNC General Administration, lessee Gateway University Research Park, property Address 5900 Summit Avenue, Greensboro term 50 years. Comment:

Property to be developed as a Joint Millennial Campus for NCA&T State University and UNC-Greensboro to support the education and research missions of the Campuses and to foster economic development and entrepreneurial activity in the Region.

John R. Merrill, Executive Director Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, e-mail to Tommy Cline, dated Feb. 10, 2006 Subject UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus said: A couple of months ago, I mentioned we were working on a ground lease for the UNCG/NCA&T Joint Millennial Campus here in Greensboro (the former Central North Carolina 
School for the Deaf and a similar size parcel adjacent to the NC A&T  farm property). We have completed the "draft" and it has been accepted by Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (GCID) Board of Directors( January 31, 2006) and the UNCG Board of Trustees (February 2, 2006). We present it to the NCA&T Board of Trustees on February 15, 2006 and we are confident it will be approved. Upon approval, it will go to the UNC Board of Governors for their approval and then it will formally come to the State Property Office for review. " "I wanted to get a copy to you in advance for your convenience...attached is that copy." "Please note the document was crafted with counsel for both universities (Skip Capone and Camile Kluttz-Leach), the GCID (Lee Lloyd and Bo Rodenbough), and the UNC System (Leslie Winner and Rob Nelson..." (emphasis added) [SPO -PRR] John R. Merrill Feb 10, 2006 email to Tommy Cline Subject Ground Lease - UNCG/NC A&T Joint Millennial Campus.
Draft Lease Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina.  Land 1.1.3  The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus" homonymic terminology consistent Chancellor Sullivan and Renick Sept. 24, 2006 proposed Joint Millennial Campus and Board of Governors alleged Oct. 10, 2003 designated JMC obfuscated lease real estate wasn't statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b) designated JMC

PRR-22-23 Ground lease Agreement & Memorandum of Lease

Ground Lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Gateway University Research Park, Inc. (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, NC. dated March 15, 2007, indicate Article I, (1.1.1) Lessor Address State of North Carolina c/o North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University and c/o The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (1.1.2) Lessee's Address Gateway University Research Park, Inc.. UNC System Office was not indicated as Lessor in the Ground Lease Agreement nor Memorandum of Lease.  The only acquisition of  property document received was S. L. 2003-284 property
Received from the State Property Office, pursuant  Public Record Requests for Land Lease listing 3-26-2013.pdf  documents. Ground Lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Gateway University research Park, Inc. (Lessee) was received.

Disposition by Lease:

Lessor : State of North Carolina
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Gateway University Research Park

Area: Joint Millennial Campus, Greensboro consisting of a North Campus and a South Campus.
Article II Land, Term and Use, 2.4 Assignment and Subleasing (b) Neither the Lessee nor any sub lessee may sublet for a term of more that ten (10) years space within any improvement not or hereafter located on the Land comprising the Premises, without the prior written consent of the Lessor after approval by the Governor and Council of State, emphasis added.


A-4. Expansion of Millennial Campus - The University of North Carolina System Office May 25, 2022
Expansion of Millennial Campus -The University of North Carolina System Office. The UNC System Office requests approval to expand the Millennial campus designation to include the Spangler Complex which includes two parcels, totaling approximately eight acres, located at 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC. The millennial campus designation currently includes Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC, and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. The millennial campus is approximately 150 acres, and is leased to Gateway Research Park, a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation which is a joint venture between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Issue overview  indicate  G.S. 116-198.34 (8b) grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus when recommended by the president... .   The University System Office ( UNC System Office)  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex ... .  The  UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC.    Issue overview did not indicate UNC System Office authority to designate UNC System Office millennial Campus.
Letter dated Aug. 16, 2006 from Joseph H. Henderson, Director NC Department of Administration to State Budget Officer David McCoy soliciting input pertaining to Lease stated UNC-General Administration is pressing to move forward with the 50-year lease (the agreement with GCID has already been executed)."
The UNC GA executed lease agreement for Bogus Joint Millennial campus with the GCID, renamed Gateway Research Park)  prior to Council of State approval Nov. 2006.

* BOG Meeting Material Graphic

[2] Ribbon Cutting Sets Gateway Project in Motion, The Aggie Report VOLUME EIGHT - NUMBER TWENTY - MAY 25, 2007 ].
[3]  A&T CHANCELLOR PLANS TO RETIRE: FORT: GOALS COMPLETE, Greensboro News & Record - Friday, May 29, 1998 , BETH MCMURTRIE Staff Writer
4] UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
 Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007
[6] Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007
[7] ENGINEERING CENTER PLUGGED Greensboro News & Record - Saturday, December 14, 1991 Author: JUSTIN CATANOSO Staff Writer
[11] Jonnelle Davis (Nano, money No.1 on A&T, UNC-G list News & Record 10.04.2010)
[12] [UNCG Chancellor William E. Moran] [IM BASS UNIVERSITIES LAY CLAIM TO FUTURE - A&T, UNCG EAGER TO BOOST SCIENCE, ENGINEERING PROGRAMS Greensboro News & Record - Sunday, January 27, 1991
[13] Nanobiotechnology Center of Innovation North Carolina Biotechnology Center 20/11/2007
[15] High Research Activity The Scientist http://www.the-scientist.com/2007/03/01/s31/1
[16]Jack Scism  TRIAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER: VIABLE DREAM OR PIE IN THE SKY? , JACK SCISM, Greensboro News & Record - Monday, July 20, 1992 
[17] [Wilbur Ross forms partnership to invest in nanotech firms Monday, May 23, 2005 http://triad.bizjournals.com/triad/stories/2005/05/23/daily6.html
[18][UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad Nov 9, 1998, 12:00am EST Ken Mayer Editorial
[19] [2]  UNIVERSITIES TO SIGN RESEARCH Agreement, Greensboro News &Record - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 , Author: TIM THORNTON Staff Writer
 Alleged Dr. Alton Thomas and David H. Perrin signed transmittal to Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, COC dated May 24, 2010
 UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology, [20]
[26] Kevin Holland, Contracting Officer GSA July 3, 2006 letter to John Merrill. Re: U.S. Department of Agriculture, natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Lease Project, Greensboro , NC
[27] Could Greensboro Support Research Park? News & Record Oct.19.1997 Beth McMurtrie.
[28]  Could Greensboro Support Research Park?.  News & Record Oct.19.1997 Beth McMurtrie
[29] Exodus 20:5
[30] CHANCELLOR SEARCH Leadership Statement
[31]  Union Square Media
[32] David H. Perring and Alton Thompson letter dated November 20, 2008 to Dr. Belle Wheelan SACS
[33] John Newson, Greensboro News & Record  02.06.2004
[36]Artitle 1 (Organizing Principle JSNN Management Agreement March 2008)
Joshua 1:9. [37]



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